Love Against Darkness-T.R-

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In Hogwarts' dim halls, Y/N and Tom Riddle walked hand in hand, keeping their love secret. Everyone knew Tom was mysterious, but Y/N saw past the rumors and liked him for who he was.

They sneaked moments together in the library and empty classrooms, away from prying eyes. But secrets don't stay hidden forever.

One day, Y/N found an old family photo and realized Tom's dad was Voldemort, the baddest wizard around.

Shocked, Y/N confronted Tom. He admitted it, looking sad and guilty.

"I didn't want you to find out," Tom said, sounding sad. "I wanted to keep you away from my family's darkness."

Y/N felt torn. She loved Tom but was scared of his family's dark past.

Despite the chaos, Y/N stayed by Tom's side, giving him support.

But when Voldemort's return threatened their world, Tom pushed Y/N away to keep her safe.

Heartbroken, Y/N refused to leave, promising to stand by him.

As Voldemort's power grew, Y/N and Tom fought together, hoping for a better future.

In the aftermath of the battle, Hogwarts slowly recovered, but scars remained. Y/N and Tom stayed close, finding comfort in each other's arms.

Even though Voldemort was defeated, his dark legacy lingered. Y/N and Tom knew they had a tough road ahead, but they were determined to face it together.

As they looked to the future, Y/N and Tom knew they could overcome whatever challenges came their way. Their love had proven stronger than any darkness, and they were ready to embrace whatever the world had in store for them, hand in hand.

After the war, Hogwarts began to heal, but the wounds left behind were deep. Y/N and Tom, along with their friends, worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been lost.

Despite the scars of battle, there was a newfound sense of unity among the students and staff. Y/N and Tom found solace in the camaraderie, knowing they weren't alone in their struggles.

As they graduated from Hogwarts, Y/N and Tom faced the uncertainty of the future together. They supported each other as they pursued their dreams, determined to carve out a path free from the shadows of the past.

With each passing day, Y/N and Tom grew stronger, their love blossoming into something resilient and enduring. They faced challenges head-on, knowing that together, they were unstoppable.

As they ventured into the wizarding world beyond Hogwarts, Y/N and Tom remained inseparable. They faced new adventures and obstacles together, their bond unbreakable.

And through it all, they held onto the lessons learned during their time at Hogwarts—that love, courage, and friendship were the most powerful magic of all. Together, they embraced the future, ready to write their own story, one filled with love, hope, and endless possibilities.

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