The Beginning -part 1-D.R

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In the enchanted world of witches and wizards, there was a place where love could bloom amidst the magic and mayhem. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with its towering turrets and mysterious corridors, was the setting for an extraordinary love story between Y/N and Draco Malfoy.

Y/N, a Muggle-born witch with a heart full of curiosity and a head full of dreams, stepped onto Platform 9¾ for the first time, ready to embark on her magical journey. Her eyes widened in amazement as the scarlet Hogwarts Express came into view, puffing steam into the crisp September air. Excitement and apprehension intertwined as she boarded the train and began her voyage into the unknown.

Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy, the scion of the pure-blood Malfoy family, stood tall with his signature confidence on the train platform. His platinum blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight as he greeted his friends and fellow Slytherins. Draco had grown up steeped in wizarding traditions, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as he boarded the train once again.

Their paths crossed when Y/N entered her compartment, finding it already occupied by a group of rowdy Gryffindors. As she hesitated in the doorway, a familiar voice spoke up, "You can sit here if you want."

Y/N turned to see Draco Malfoy, sitting alone in the corner, offering her a small but genuine smile. Without hesitation, she accepted the invitation, and as the train chugged away from the station, they began a conversation that would shape their destinies.

Over the years, their friendship blossomed, transcending the boundaries of their respective houses. Y/N admired Draco's intelligence and wit, while he was captivated by her kindness and determination. They spent hours in the library, studying together, and shared secrets that they hadn't confided in anyone else.

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