Enchanted Bonds -M.R-

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Once upon a time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there lived a young wizard named Mattheo.One day, during a particularly intriguing Charms class, Mattheo discovered a mysterious scroll tucked away in an old textbook. The scroll bore a riddle that piqued his curiosity:

"I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every student at Hogwarts. What am I?"

Mattheo pondered over the riddle, contemplating its answer. As he mulled it over, his thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Y/N, a fellow Hogwarts student known for her intelligence and kindness. Mattheo admired Y/N from afar, but today was different. He mustered up the courage to approach her.

"Hey, Y/N! I've stumbled upon an intriguing riddle. Care to solve it with me?" Mattheo asked, handing her the scroll.

Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement. "Of course, Mattheo! Let's solve it together."

The two set off to decipher the riddle, exchanging ideas and theories. After much contemplation, Y/N exclaimed, "It's a pencil lead!"

"Correct!" Mattheo grinned, impressed by Y/N's wit. Their successful collaboration sparked a friendship that blossomed into something more.

As weeks passed, Mattheo and Y/N grew closer, spending time together studying in the Hogwarts library and exploring the magical corridors. Their bond strengthened with each passing day.

However, their newfound happiness was soon disrupted when Y/N's ex, a wizard named Ethan, unexpectedly transferred to Hogwarts. Ethan had a reputation for causing trouble and was known for his jealousy.

One gloomy afternoon, while Mattheo and Y/N were enjoying a stroll by the Black Lake, they spotted Ethan approaching with a menacing look in his eyes.

"Y/N, I've come to win you back," Ethan declared, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Y/N remained composed but firm. "Ethan, it's over between us. I care for Mattheo now."

Ethan's expression twisted into anger. "You'll regret this!" he sneered before storming away.

Concern clouded Mattheo's face as he realized the potential danger Ethan posed. He knew he had to protect Y/N from Ethan's wrath.

Days passed without any sign of Ethan. Mattheo and Y/N continued to enjoy their time together, but an air of unease lingered. Their worry peaked when news spread of mysterious disruptions in the castle.

One evening, during a late stroll through Hogwarts' corridors, Mattheo and Y/N stumbled upon Ethan, who was casting dark spells, causing chaos in the school.

"We have to stop him!" Y/N exclaimed, fear gripping her heart.

With determination, Mattheo and Y/N joined forces, using their magical prowess to counter Ethan's spells. After a fierce duel, they managed to disarm him and alert the professors.

Ethan was swiftly dealt with by the Hogwarts authorities, and peace returned to the school once more. Mattheo and Y/N's bravery earned them admiration from their fellow students and professors.

Through adversity, their bond grew stronger, and they found solace in each other's support. Together, they continued to navigate the magical world of Hogwarts, facing challenges hand in hand, their love enduring against all odds.

As the days passed at Hogwarts, Mattheo and Y/N found comfort in each other's company. Their relationship blossomed further, marked by shared adventures and late-night conversations in the Gryffindor common room.

Despite the incident with Ethan, their days became filled with laughter and moments of joy. Mattheo often surprised Y/N with magical trinkets he crafted himself, showcasing his creativity and dedication to their relationship.

One sunny afternoon, as they lounged beneath a towering oak tree on the Hogwarts grounds, Mattheo turned to Y/N with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Y/N, have you ever wanted to explore the restricted section of the library?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "Mattheo, that's against the rules!"

"But think of the mysteries waiting to be unraveled," Mattheo replied, his voice filled with excitement.

With Y/N reluctantly agreeing, they devised a plan to sneak into the restricted section later that night, using Mattheo's knowledge of secret passages within Hogwarts.

Under the cover of darkness, Mattheo and Y/N ventured into the forbidden section, surrounded by ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. They perused books filled with spells that had long been forgotten and whispered about legends of magical creatures rarely seen.

Their hearts raced with anticipation and curiosity, relishing the thrill of breaking the rules together. However, their adventure came to an abrupt halt when they heard footsteps approaching.

Panicked, they hurriedly hid behind a towering bookshelf, watching as Professor McGonagall entered the restricted section, carrying a lantern.

The professor's stern voice echoed through the silence, "I know you're here. Show yourselves."

With trepidation, Mattheo and Y/N stepped out from their hiding spot, expecting punishment for their transgression.

Professor McGonagall peered at them over her glasses, her expression a mix of sternness and something resembling fondness. "I should have guessed it would be the two of you. Back to your dormitories, immediately."

Relieved to have escaped severe consequences, Mattheo and Y/N returned to Gryffindor Tower, chuckling nervously at their daring escapade.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, woven with shared secrets, laughter, and the mutual support they provided each other in navigating the challenges of both magical studies and teenage life at Hogwarts.

As they sat by the fireplace, exchanging stories and dreams for the future, Mattheo and Y/N realized that facing adversity together had only strengthened their relationship, making their love for each other even more resilient. And so, amidst the enchanting halls of Hogwarts, their love story continued to flourish.

Hello everyone I just wanted to say thank you all for 8k reads it honestly warms my heart that all of you like this book so much!Have a great rest of your day/night.(also sorry for the post I know it was unfinished I posted the wrong story.If you didn't see you don't worry.)

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