That one Hufflepuff -part2-

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Cedric the prefect of Hufflepuff, "The Golden student", the cute/hot boy,Had just slapped you right across the face...You were completely shocked at why he would do this but just then did Tom show up behind you and you then see Cedric on the floor.You realize what was happening,Tom was using The Cruciatus Curse on Cedric and you couldn't believe your eyes.

Of course you didn't want Tom to get kicked out of Hogwarts so you had to stop it."Tom,stop before a teacher comes!"you say.Tom realizes that you right and quickly stops the curse.He grabs your hand and takes you to his dorm.

You get to his dorm and see him and you can tell he is seeing red so you try your best to calm him down.Once you get him calmed down you both read for the rest of the night.
                             ~Time skip~
You wake up and feel time gone so you get up and go looking for him although he isn't in his then get dressed and searched the halls.It was a Saturday so everyone was at finally found him in the prefect's bathrooms.You ask were he was and he says he got caught from yesterday and he was expelled from Hogwarts."w-what?"you stuttered."I think we should break up y/n I have fallen out of love."he states.
Soooo-I kinda didn't like this book so I decided to end it sorry if you didn't like the ending....

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