Un breakable bond-T.R-

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In the magical world of wizards and witches, Y/N and Tom Riddle were not just ordinary students at Hogwarts. They were a couple, deeply in love, and their journey was one filled with both enchantment and challenges. Tom, the son of Lord Voldemort, had chosen a different path, one illuminated by the love he felt for Y/N.

Their story began long before their accidental encounter in the Restricted Section. They had been dating for a while, their love a growing flame that couldn't be extinguished. Tom was known for his charisma and his enigmatic aura, and Y/N was captivated by his intellect and the depths of his soul.

One day, after a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Y/N and Tom retreated to their favorite hidden spot by the Black Lake. The wind whispered secrets, and the waters shimmered with reflections of the stars. They sat together, their hands entwined, gazing at the serene night.

Y/N, her heart brimming with affection, finally summoned the courage to say what had been on her mind. "Tom, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Tom turned to her, his eyes reflecting the moonlight. "What is it, my love?"

With sincerity in her voice, Y/N continued, "I cherish our love, and I'm grateful for the time we've spent together. I've realized how much you mean to me, and I think I might be falling even deeper in love with you."

Tom's expression softened, and a smile touched his lips. "Y/N, you've already captured my heart. I love you more than words can express."

Their love had taken root long before that moment, but it continued to flourish. They shared secrets, laughter, and the warmth of their love. They were a formidable pair at Hogwarts, respected by their peers and admired for the strength of their bond.

However, challenges lay ahead. Tom was haunted by his family's dark legacy, and he feared that his past would harm Y/N. He couldn't escape the darkness that lingered in his bloodline, but he could choose to be different, to stand against it. He confided in Y/N about his true identity, revealing that he was the son of Lord Voldemort.

Y/N, with her boundless love, embraced Tom even more strongly. She saw the pain in his eyes, the battle he fought within himself, and she promised to stand by his side, no matter what.

Their love was a force of good, a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. Together, they confronted challenges that tested their commitment. They faced dark forces, secrets from the past, and the looming presence of Lord Voldemort. But through it all, their love remained unwavering.

Tom's choice to walk a different path, to renounce the dark legacy of his family, was a testament to the power of love and Y/N's influence on him. He was determined to protect the love of his life and ensure a brighter future for both of them.

Their journey was one of redemption, hope, and the power of love to conquer even the darkest of legacies. Y/N and Tom proved that love could be a force for good and that, with love as their guiding light, they could make a difference in the wizarding world.

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