Stealth Tactical Dolls

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Name: Stealth Tactical Doll or S T-Dolls

Type: stealth AI-piloted android (by Henry J. Morse)

Gen: 7th Generation (Surpassed the regular Tactical Doll)

Creation: Henry J. Morse (39LAB Director)

Manufacture: 39LAB (G.H.O.S.T (PMC)



Night Vision

Data paired Gloves

Advanced Hud,

Visor Scanner

Undetected from enemy radar and lines.

D.N.I (in season 3)

Enhance finishing moves

Violate Emotions (with G.H.O.S.T Enhancements).

Plot: In the Early 21st Century, the bursting of the Relic bubble led to a global financial crisis, forcing companies around the world to look for a way to lower production costs or make technological breakthroughs, opening the age of automatic. The Russia was the leader of this race during the first decade thanks to the engineering legacy of the Soviet Union: while American, European and East Asia industrial machines and robotic arms were more high-tech, Kiev's automated research centre was very competitive with its focus on ease of maintenance and price point made them very competitive.

In 2020s conceptual design in science exhibitions presented androids the same size as humans and multi-legged robots reach 2 meter-tall.

However the Federation War result to halt the Relic production due to America went to war against Federation and the Cryptid creatures risen from the Colorado and Alaska. 

The new branch of robotics soared soon after the First Belian Island Incidents as a way to replace human labourers and soldiers in the increasingly dangerous environment of Earth.

In 2030, Henry J. Morse was a friend of Lycoris and Persica, until the G.H.O.S.T Contractor Merrick, Hire Henry to joined the G.H.O.S.T for research of the mysterious relic discovered in Alaska and Colorado.

Henry J Morse original life as a scientist military and technology, researching about the Robotics, he secretly developed his own stealth Robotics, until its scrapped. Then G.H.O.S.T hired him acquired to revive his own creations.

Cryptid Relic Technology

At Colorado, G.H.O.S.T, Professor Henry J. Morse and Us army arrived at the site were the Cryptid Relic laid underground after the ODIN strikes. Henry J. Morse examined the mysterious Cryptid Relic stones, he took the stones to his lab and research. His calculation was correct, the Crytid Relic is the most advanced Technology than other original Relics. 

The birth of T-Doll (GHOST)

Thus the Birth of T-Doll (GHOST) was now manufacture in G.H.O.S.T (PMC), Henry began building the first Male T-Doll (GHOST) equipped with military assets such as Night Vision, advanced hud, visor scanning, and enhance finishing moves. While his work must finish, Henry then studied the files and record of the Ghosts during the Federation War, he then created the Violate Emotions with G.H.O.S.T Enhancement install into the T-Doll. 

Hesh, Logan, Merrick and Keagan examined Herny's first Male T-Doll (GHOST) Creation. He name his as FTac Recon and Henry name him as Taylor in undercover covert-soldier.


Henry's creation of T-Doll (GHOST) remained Secret from the publics eyes and he didn't tell Persica about his project. No one knows why because of companies decide to steal their ideas, the G.H.O.S.T kept Henry J Morse in the secret location in US.

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