chapter eleven

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Tae-pyung and Eon-jin's relationship has grown even stronger thanks to the support they've received from Min-jung and Eon-jin's mother, Ji-ah. However, there's still one thing left: informing Tae-pyung's parents about their relationship.

"Why are you so quiet?" Tae-pyung noticed the sudden silence.

"I was just thinking, when should we tell your Mom and Dad about us?" Eon-jin pondered aloud. Tae-pyung paused for a moment before motioning for Eon-jin to take a seat nearby.

"Honestly, I'm a bit worried about your mom. Every time we see each other, it feels like she doesn't like me." Eon-jin said.

Tae-pyung frowned, and probed further, "Have you two spoken before?" to which Eon-jin shook her head in response.

"You know, that's not the most important thing. What matters is that I want to be with you." Tae-pyung confessed earnestly.

"But, they still need to know. I don't want to be the reason for any conflicts between the two of you. We've been dating for two months now, and I just don't want to be unfair to you by keeping our relationship a secret from your side except my mom." Eon-jin expressed with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I'll talk to my Mom about it, but let's take it slow hmm." Tae-pyung added, his thoughts swirling with apprehension. She simply nodded and found solace in her boyfriend's embrace.


Tae-pyung's POV

A/N: This is Tae-pyung's flashback story

Never did I imagine that moving to Daegu would lead me to find love. If someone had told me this earlier, I would have scoffed at the idea. Initially, I was strongly opposed to relocating to Daegu as it meant being separated from Dad. But in the end, Mom still had her way even though it wasn't what I wanted.

On my first day at Daegu High School, things took a turn for the worse when Mom and I got into a heated argument.

"What's your problem, Tae-pyung? Your Uncle Ji-hwan offered to drive you to school. Why did you respond like that?" Mom's voice dripped with frustration.

"I've already told you, I can manage on my own. There's no need for you to drive me. What's so difficult to understand?" I responded calmly, though the tension hung thick in the air. As I made my way towards the door, Mom's words stopped me in my tracks.

"Just make sure you don't go to your Dad. You don't know what I'm capable of, Tae-pyung." she said, her tone laced with a hint of threat. I shook my head in disbelief and continued out the door. Despite my longing to see Dad, I found myself without the means to visit him, as Mom had cut off my allowance, leaving me stranded in Daegu with no way to reach Seoul.

I managed to catch the bus and was relieved to find some available seats. However, as more passengers boarded along the way, the bus became increasingly crowded. Among the new arrivals, I spotted two students who seemed to attend the same school as me, struggling to find their footing amidst the bus's swaying motion.

Suddenly, the bus driver applied the brakes, causing one of the students, a girl, to unintentionally end up sitting on my lap. Though I tried to appear calm, my heart raced with the unexpected closeness. Her friend quickly came to her aid, ensuring she was okay. I helped her to sit on my previous seat, earning a grateful nod from her friend.

Glancing around, I noticed the surprise on the faces of other passengers nearby. With the school approaching, my annoyance grew as I spotted Uncle Ji-hwan's car waiting at the crossing. As soon as the bus came to a stop, I wasted no time in getting off.

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