chapter four

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Eon-jin's POV

I promptly returned to school following the two-day break granted by my teachers. Upon my return, my classmates welcomed me, and I found myself unaccustomed to the attention they were giving.

Even though it's new to me, I'm happy that I feel they care about me. Following the incident, Min-jung told me about how Tae-pyung was worried about me losing consciousness. Suppressing a shiver, I avoid showing it in front of her, knowing she would likely tease me.

"He was even more concerned than I, being your best friend. Without hesitation, he carried you on his back to swiftly reach the clinic."

Min-jung, Tae-pyung, and I were in the library. They helped me catch up on the lessons I missed. Fortunately, I didn't miss a lot, so there wasn't much to write. I secretly glance at Tae-pyung. Why doesn't he seem okay?

"Min-jung, can I have a moment to discuss the design for the English Department bulletin?" Ji-min said, she's our class secretary.

"Oh yeah sure. I'll follow you after I fix my things." Ji-min nodded and went ahead first. "I will go ahead. I'll see you both in the next class, okay. Eon-jin, don't go anywhere okay?"

"Yes, yes. Hurry, Ji-min is waiting."

Left with Tae-pyung, who was still engrossed in writing, I wondered why he hadn't spoken to me.

Suddenly, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes. I'm almost done." I replied.

"No, I mean, are you feeling okay? Is there anything else that hurts you?" I looked at him and he gazed back at me.

I stopped for a moment. Did I hear right? "Oh yeah, yes. I'm good." he nodded and then continued his writing.

"You made me worry. At that time, I didn't know what to do if something bad happened to you."

"Tae-pyung..." he gazed at me once more, his eyes filled with wistfulness.

"I assured your mom that we'd look out for you as long as you're with us. Just listen to what you feel. Don't ignore any uneasy feelings. Tell me right away, or tell Min-jung."

What is this feeling, why do I sense butterflies moving in my stomach? Apart from my mom and Min-jung, he's the only guy who has shown genuine concern for me.

"Give me your word, Eon-jin."

"I give you my word."


After that moment in the library, we decided to walk back into our classroom.

Walking behind him, he suddenly said, "I remember you promised to treat me to anything I like."

"Yeah, I never forget. What do you like?"

"Meet me at the bus stop this Saturday afternoon," he stated, continuing to walk with ease.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"You'll find out when you get there. I'll be waiting for you." and then he continued walking.

Upon arriving home, I rummaged through my wardrobe for an outfit for my Saturday walk with Tae-pyung. Why does it feel like I have nothing suitable to wear? What should I choose?

"Eon-jin, it's just a meal; it's not a date," I reassured myself. Yet, why am I experiencing this peculiar joy?

When I see him, I'm happy.
When he smiles at me, I'm happy.
When he cares about me, I'm happy.
When I'm with him, I'm happy.

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