chapter six

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"Are you sure you can go to school today? You made me nervous last night. Did something happen to you on your way home?" Ji-ah asked when she saw that Eon-jin was already dressed to go to school. 

"I'm fine Eomma, the weather was just a bit hot yesterday and I also forgot my puffer. But I brought it now. Don't worry." 

"Please tell me if you feel something bad. Don't keep it a secret from me." Eon-jin immediately nodded and gave her a small smile. 

"Yes, I'll go first. I love you, eomma."

"I love you, my daughter!"

When Eon-jin arrives at school, she noticed that Tae-pyung is not there yet. Soon their teacher came in. 

"Alright, class! Is everyone here?" Miss Han asked. 

"Miss, Tae-pyung isn't here yet."

"Oh, Tae-pyung's mom called earlier. They just had a family emergency." Eon-jin was filled with worry because of what she found out. 

"Our periodical exams are coming soon. I know some of you are busy with your other extracurricular activities, but don't forget that the exam starts in two weeks." Miss Han reminded.

"Make the most of your time with me by focusing on your studies. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me in the faculty room." Miss Han advised before exiting the classroom. Following her departure, some students engaged in conversations, a few made phone calls, while others delved into their notes. 

Eon-jin finds herself in a dilemma, pondering whether to call or text Tae-pyung. She starts typing a message but quickly deletes it.

"Hey, don't dwell on it too much. I'm sure Tae-pyung is fine." Min-jung reassures her.

"Min-jung, what if I go see him? I can't shake off this worry."

"You don't even know where he lives. Besides, he'll be back tomorrow. Let's focus on reading our notes, that might help ease your mind." Min-jung points out. 

Despite the nagging worry, Eon-jin chose to channel her attention into her study notes. 

As night fell, she mustered the courage to call Tae-pyung, and on the third ring, the call connected.

"Hello, Eon-jin?"

"Hi, Tae-pyung. Um, how are you? You were absent from school today." Eon-jin gently inquired, sensing a subtle tension in the air. The line hung in silence briefly before Tae-pyung broke it.

"I'm okay. There was a family emergency. I'll be back tomorrow." Tae-pyung explained, and Eon-jin felt an immediate wave of relief wash over her.

"That's good to hear. Um... that's all. Rest well, Tae-pyung. Good night." Eon-jin uttered, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Wait, Eon-jin... about yesterday. Forget what I said. I just don't want things to be awkward between us. Good night, Eon-jin." Tae-pyung added with a hint of hesitation, and the call ended. Eon-jin found herself in a moment feeling as if the world had momentarily come to a halt. It was then that she became aware of the tears silently streaming down her face.


As mentioned by Tae-pyung during the call, he had already attended the class today. Observing her friend's somber demeanor and Tae-pyung appearing to avoid Eon-jin, Min-jung becomes aware of the situation.

"Hello, Tae-pyung. I'm a bit confused with this formula. Can you help me out?" Min-jung lifts her gaze when she heard Ji-won. She turns to her friend who appears deeply engrossed in studying notes. To accommodate Ji-won, Tae-pyung subtly adjusts his position.

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