chapter eight

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As the start of exam week approached at Daegu High School, students busied themselves with last-minute preparations. Among them were Eon-jin and Min-jung, once close friends who now found themselves at odds with each other.

Despite the tension between them, Min-jung chose to give Eon-jin some space. She spent her time in the student faculty room, burying herself in her books and notes, determined to excel despite the strain in their friendship.

Tae-pyung, noticing the rift between Eon-jin and Min-jung, gently broached the subject with Eon-jin. "Are things still not okay between you and Min-jung?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Eon-jin simply shook her head, unable to find the words to express the complexity of their situation. She returned her attention to her notes, trying to block out the weight of their unresolved issues.

Tae-pyung offered, "Should I talk Min-jung to clear things up?"

"It's okay, Tae-pyung. I'll sort things out with her after exams. I can't keep going like this, that we're not okay." Eon-jin responded, her determination evident in her voice.

The following day marked the beginning of their exam week, filling the classroom with a palpable tension. Eon-jin and Min-jung sat side by side, but an invisible barrier kept them from exchanging even a single word. They remained silent as they awaited the arrival of their teacher, who would distribute the exam papers. Moments later, the teacher entered the room, and the hushed anticipation intensified. Despite their proximity, they refrained from acknowledging each other, each lost in their own thoughts as they braced themselves for the exams ahead.

At the end of their first day of exams, their class advisor decided to dismiss them early, urging them to take some time to rest and prepare for the next day's test.

"Min-jung ah!, come on, let's grab some food!" Yoona called out eagerly from outside the classroom.

"Oh sure, just give me a sec to fix my stuff," Min-jung responded, swiftly organizing her belongings into her bag before joining Yoona outside. As she made her way towards Yoona, Eon-jin observed her quietly from a distance, her thoughts wandering as she watched her move.

"Are you hungry? Want to grab some food?" Tae-pyung inquired, to which Eon-jin simply nodded.

"You're missing her, aren't you?" Tae-pyung ventured further.

Eon-jin's response came with a hint of sadness, "Min-jung and I don't usually have conflicts. If there's a misunderstanding, we clear it up right away. This is the first time we've gone without talking for so long." Her voice trembled slightly, betraying her emotional turmoil.

"She's probably upset with me." Eon-jin added, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, revealing the depth of her concern over the strained relationship with Min-jung.

"Don't worry, Eon-jin. Maybe Min-jung just needs some time and space to sort things out. You'll both be okay." Tae-pyung reassured, gently wiping away the tears that welled in Eon-jin's eyes. "They might think I'm making you cry. Stop crying please." he added with a lighthearted chuckle.

Eon-jin couldn't help but laugh at Tae-pyung's attempt to lighten the mood. "Didn't you say you'll be ugly when you don't smile, that's why you should always smile."

"So you're saying I'm ugly when I don't smile?" she teased.

Tae-pyung shook his head, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Of course not! I just want to see you happy. Your smile lights up my mood, you know." he replied earnestly. "I hate seeing you upset. I'd rather see you smiling, especially when you're with me."

"You're such a smooth talker, Tae-pyung. It's hard to believe you've never had a girlfriend before." Eon-jin said, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"Whoa, hold up! I thought we were official?" Tae-pyung's unexpected comment caught Eon-jin off guard, eliciting a surprised reaction. "Hey now, I never said anything like that." Eon-jin protested.

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