chapter nine

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At six o'clock in the evening, Tae-pyung and Eon-jin reached Eon-jin's house. They were still holding hands, seeming like they were floating on a pink cloud nine.

"Be careful when you get home, message me once you're home." Eon-jin reminded Tae-pyung.

"Yes, ma'am!" Tae-pyung replied with a playful salute. Eon-jin chuckled as she noticed Tae-pyung still holding onto her hand.

"I think you need to let go of my hand now. How will you go home?" she teased.

"Can I stay for dinner? I'm not ready to go home yet." Tae-pyung asked. At the exact moment the door of Eon-jin's house opened. Eon-jin quickly let go of Tae-pyung's hand, but Ji-ah eomma noticed it right away.

"Oh, you're already here? Why didn't you come in?" Ji-ah asked the two, noticing the sudden blush on her daughter's cheeks.

"Good evening, Ma'am. Would it be alright if I joined you for dinner?" Tae-pyung asked nervously. Eon-jin looked at him with surprise written all over her face.

"Of course, please come in," Ji-ah replied promptly, making way for Tae-pyung to enter. "Come on, Eon-jin, it's getting cold outside." Eon-jin was speechless and couldn't believe what was happening.

Ji-ah noticed the subtle exchange of glances between the two. There were smiles playing on Tae-pyung's lips as he looked at her daughter.

"Tae-pyung, did you let your mom know that you're having dinner here? She might be looking for you," Ji-ah interrupted the two.

"I'll just message her," he responded politely, then reached for his phone in his pocket.

"You two stay here for now, I'll finish cooking," Ji-ah added before heading back to the kitchen.

When Eon-jin made sure her mom was busy in the kitchen, she quickly pinched Tae-pyung's arm, causing him to laugh and dodge.

"I thought you were heading home?" Eon-jin whispered.

"I still want to be with you. Don't you want that?" Tae-pyung replied with a playful pout. Eon-jin took a deep breath before responding, "It's not that I don't want to, but my eomma doesn't know yet. She might be surprised when she finds out."

"Why would I be surprised, my daughter?" The two turned around in surprise to see Eon-jin's mom.

"Eomma, uh, well... the thing is..." Eon-jin struggled to find the right words.

"Are you two dating?" Ji-ah asked, prompting the two to exchange glances before nodding.

They both heard Eon-jin's mother sigh, which made them even more nervous.

"Since when?" her mom asked.

"Just today, eomma." Eon-jin replied weakly. Seeing the worry on Eon-jin's face, Tae-pyung gathered his courage to speak to her mom.

"Ma'am, I know we're too young to be in a relationship. But I promise we won't do anything to let you disappointed. I love Eon-jin, and I hope you'll let me love her." Tae-pyung said, looking at Eon-jin who's now tears in her eyes.

With a smile, Tae-pyung reached for Eon-jin's hand, finding comfort in her touch. Eon-jin's tears stopped when she heard her mom laughing.

"You should have seen yourself, my love. I should have recorded it." Ji-ah chuckled.

"Eomma!" Eon-jin protested, but Ji-ah hugged her daughter tightly.

"I'm really happy for you both. If you make each other happy, who am I to stand in the way? Just remember, you're still young. Don't rush into things or give in to temptation." Ji-ah advised, causing both Eon-jin and Tae-pyung to blush.

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