chapter seven

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The following day, both Tae-pyung and Eon-jin were summoned to the faculty office for a discussion with Ms. Han.

Eon-jin took the initiative, telling Tae-pyung, "Let me handle the explanation with Ms. Han. You shouldn't have been dragged into what happened."

In response, Tae-pyung asserted, "We'll explain together. I won't let you face this alone."

As they approached the office, Ms. Han coincidentally saw them. "Ah, Tae-pyung and Eon-jin, come inside." Upon entering, they found some teachers and student officers in the room. Ms. Han guided them to designated seats within the office space.

Ms. Han, taking a moment to compose herself, inhaled deeply before offering the pair a gentle smile, aiming to alleviate the tension in the room.

"I understand that nobody wishes for both of you to find yourselves confined in the abandoned room behind the stage. I've already had a conversation with the man who locked the door. According to him, he noticed the door ajar and, seeing no one around, he promptly secured it. My primary concern is how the two of you ended up inside."

Deliberately, Ms. Han turned her attention to Eon-jin, who responded with a small bow. Meanwhile, Tae-pyung maintained a steady gaze on Eon-jin.

Assuaging the suspense, Ms. Han slowly questioned, "Could you explain on how you both gained access to that room?" Tae-pyung, meeting her gaze, took the initiative to respond, "I'm the one who brought Eon-jin into the room." Eon-jin looked surprised as Tae-pyung spoke, their eyes meeting in a moment of silent.

Miss Han inquired once more, her gaze fixed on Tae-pyung, "For what reason, Tae-pyung?"

With a sincere demeanor, Tae-pyung elaborated, "I saw the abandoned room during one of my walks and found it intriguing. Wanting to share this discovery with Eon-jin, we entered. When we were inside, I was afraid that we would be caught, so we decided to hide inside. I take full responsibility for leading Eon-jin to that place. I'll accept whatever punishment you give."

Eon-jin, taken aback by what Tae-pyung said, responded with teary eyes, "Tae-pyung..." His immediate reassuring smile aimed to convey that everything would be alright.

Upon hearing Tae-pyung's explanation, Miss Han response, "If that's indeed what happened, I trust it won't be repeated. Do we have an understanding, Tae-pyung and Eon-jin?" The two promptly nodded in agreement. With the dismissal from the faculty room, they made their way back to the classroom.

However, as they walked, Eon-jin halted Tae-pyung with a curious inquiry, "Tae-pyung, why did you choose not to tell Miss Han the whole truth?"

"Sometimes, revealing the entire truth can complicate things. It was a white lie after all, we did hide because we were afraid of being caught. The important thing is that we're both okay now. Let's head to class." His pragmatic approach aimed to reassure Eon-jin.


Eon-jin's POV

In the aftermath of the incident three days ago, I've noticed a palpable shift in my classmates' behavior. Persistent glances and hushed conversations unfolded around me, fueling my curiosity. Despite my reluctance to jump to conclusions, the uneasy feeling persisted, especially when my schoolmates averted their eyes whenever I turned in their direction.

Min-jung and I are waiting in line for lunch when snippets of conversation reached my ears. A pair of schoolmates exchanged whispered words, casting furtive glances in my direction.

"It is said that they were locked in the abandoned room behind the stage by just the two of them and it was night when they were seen." one girl disclosed in a hushed tone.

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