Internships...for real this time! I swear!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of the Jedi Hero: Force! I hope you all haven't been waiting long for this chapter to come out since the last chapter's release! I have been assisting my Grand Uncle with preparing a garden in the front yard for the past few sunny days and haven't been able to fully focus my time on these stories. I only have time to make them early in the morning, or late in the evening or after dinner. Usually by that time though I am very tired and want sleep, let's begin!

After staying within the school for a few days, Izuku and class 1-A are now walking towards the station in time for their Internships. They had been very wary about the Sith Lord that had come for Izuku earlier that week and were on the lookout in the skies for anyone who had been coming in from space. Nezu had eventually found the V-shaped ship that Darth Vader had entered orbit with as well as looked over all the technology within. Needless to say, the school's principal was going to be a very happy animal when he figured out how to speak in the language to activate all the ships communication systems as well as other things. But enough about the principal, and more about Izuku and his class as they were getting on the trains to head over to where their respective Internships will be taking place. "You will call all of us if you ever come across someone similar to Darth Vader, correct?" Aizawa asked Izuku as the young man nodded. "Don't worry Aizawa-sensei, I will be fine. Nobody on the planet is as strong as Darth Vader nor Darth Sidious. If they were, I would be much more worried about the friends and family I had made whilst living here." Izuku said, as Aizawa nodded before walking back towards the school. As he sat on a seat heading for where his internship was located, Izuku kept himself updated with whatever Yoroi Musha was doing at the moment. As it had turned out, the Hero was doing his very best in order to keep crime where he was located as low as possible with his on the clock appearances. It would seem like the Hero himself was keeping up face about Heroes as a whole as he protected the populace within a far-out city within Japan... near Deika City. Just in the neighboring city within the District of Miyagi and the city named Iwanuma. Taking the train over there would take a few hours to arrive, so Izuku decided to activate the Force within himself and meditate. He was deep in meditation as he felt the Force around him, moving around himself and spiraling around those who were near him. He noticed that something small was making their way over near him and sat next to him as he was floating in his seat as his legs were crossed. Sensing the Force in the young one, Izuku opened his eyes and stared at the small person... only to find out that they were a child. The mother walked over and apologized for her child interfering with his meditation as Izuku waved her off. "It's fine, I was feeling his power within the Force. It's really high just from feeling his presence." Izuku said, as the mother stared at him with a questioning look. "I can sense the powers of those through my quirk, it allows me to channel the power I wield through my mind in many ways. I just call my quirk the Force." Izuku lied as the mother sighed in relief. "Sorry for being so wary of you young man, I... today just hasn't been a good day for me." The mother said, sitting next to Izuku. "What happened? If it's not too much to ask?" Izuku questioned as the mother looked at him for a moment. Then as if feeling like he was someone who could be trusted, she told him everything that was causing her some pain in her mind as well as heart. 


Getting off the train with the mother and child within the Miyagi Prefecture, Izuku knelt to the boy's height as he hid behind his mother's leg. "Don't worry little guy. I'm totally harmless." Izuku said, pulling out a hand. The boy looked to his mother, who had gotten much calmer since talking with Izuku on the train for the last few hours. Stepping outward and placing his own hand on Izuku's Izuku closed his eyes and felt out with the Force for the boy's power. "From what I can feel, you have a great power deep within you. Not as much as my own, but if you keep training your body as well as mind... I am sure that it will awaken within you." Izuku said, standing up and ruffling the boy's head. "Thank you for your help young man. I can't seriously give you anything for your assistance, right?" The mother asked, as Izuku shook his head. "When I become a Hero within the next three years, if he has awakened his quirk... bring him to me. I can train him to master the powers that are deep within him, just begging to be released." Izuku said, as the mother gave Izuku her phone number. "If it comes out sooner than that, I will hope that you help us immediately." The mother said, as Izuku smiled. "I will do what I must. Now, I need to meet with my new mentor. He should be in Iwanuma patrolling at this moment, I hope to see you all later on... may the Force be with you both." Izuku said, walking away from the mother and son. As he walked, his mind kept moving back to the child's power within the Force... it was becoming stronger and stronger over time. "What would Master Yoda do at a time like this?" Izuku muttered to himself, before bumping into someone. "Oh, sorry about that sir." Izuku said, looking up at a massively tall man. He was wearing some old armor around his body as well as had a long beard on his face, showing his long age. He wore some goggles over his eyes as he stared down at Izuku within his Samurai Armor before he started to chuckle. "Do not worry young one, I believe that I have found the one I was looking for. Fate is a fickle thing, no?" The man said, as Izuku finally recognized the voice as well as the Hero. "Wait, are you Yoroi Musha!?" Izuku asked, as the Hero chuckled a bit more. "Come, we will need to talk about your training as a swordsman." The Hero said, bringing Izuku with him down the road. About another few minutes later, the two found themselves within the Agency of Yoroi Musha as the Hero showed him around the building. "This here is where I do my training on most days, but aside from that... I am basically all alone in this Agency." Yoroi said, as he sat down on a small bench. "Is there a reason as to why you don't have anyone working for you?" Izuku asked, as the Hero stared at him. He stared at Izuku for a moment, before a very calming aura exuded from the boy's body as the Hero sat back and let out a sigh. Taking off his mask and goggles, he revealed his black sclera's as well as orange-colored eyes. "Have you ever heard the term called Quirkless?" Yoroi Musha asked, as Izuku thought about it. "It's something about not being born with a quirk, correct?" Izuku asked, as Yoroi nodded his head. "Yes, have you ever heard of the term before being stated?" Yoroi asked, once more. "I-I remember being told that I was Quirkless as a four-year-old. But after that, I met someone who would become my Master." Izuku said, as he had a faraway look on his face. "You were born Quirkless?" Yoroi asked, as Izuku nodded. "Well you aren't alone in that department, I had managed to become the very First Quirkless Hero. Although during my time, I wasn't part of the minority of 20% of the human race who are Quirkless. I was a part of the 50% that had a quirk and didn't, it's nice to have someone who is similar to myself." Yoroi said, as Izuku nodded. "I would've thought that your quirk had centered around your eyes, but I guess they are a mutation?" Izuku asked, as Yoroi nodded. "A mutation from my father, he had black sclera and blue eyes, whilst my mother had a dark red color for her own. But enough about me, what can you tell me about this power you wield?" Yoroi asked, as Izuku informed him about the Force. "The Force is a power that only very specific beings can wield, although I believe you could wield it yourself." Izuku said, as he felt a massive well of power within Yoroi Musha. "Well that is probably because I kept it hidden from everyone around myself. My mother noticed that the power I wield isn't a part of the Quirks that we humans are born with and manifest at the age of four. Compared to that Darth Vader guy, how strong would I be compared to him?" Yoroi asked, as Izuku thought about it. Comparing the Heroes power to Darth Vader, he was surprised with how close it was in actuality he was surprised with how close to Yoroi's power Izuku himself was. "Your power alone wouldn't have been able to defeat Darth Vader, but you would've been able to come close... had you had one of these." Izuku said, pulling out his Lightsaber. The Hero picked up the weapon as he ignited the blade with the red button on the side, and he was amazed with the blazing mix of blue and red within the blade. "Wasn't your blade green when you were in UA?" Yoroi asked, as Izuku looked away. Pulling out a second one, he showed that it was a green blade as Yoroi had smirked at Izuku underneath his beard. "If you would have me, I would like to show you my style of fighting young man. Would you be willing to take me on as a Master, as your own did for you?" Yoroi asked, as Izuku nodded. "It's been too long since I had a master of my own in terms of the Force. But I might have to teach you about it as well as how to wield it correctly." Izuku said, as Yoroi nodded.

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