Heroes versus Sith!

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A/N Sorry for there not being an image this week! This note won't be very long as I will be getting right to the battle after Vader was tossed into a building. Now in terms of power, Vader is massively holding back, he just wants to see how powerful Izuku is in terms of the Force.

"Young Midoriya! I came as fast as I could, who is this bastard and why did he attack you all!" All Might called out standing next to Izuku. "We're dead! We're dead! H-He's gonna kill us!" Izuku stuttered out, as All Might looked at the young man again. The look the young man was giving as well as showing for him to see was not very Heroic, if anything it looks as though he wishes to flee the area. "Young Midoriya, you remember the ways of a Hero, correct?" All Might asked, as Izuku looked at him with concern written on his face. "Yes, but that doesn't matter against someone who can use the Force All Might! He can literally kill us with his Force Capabilities without his blade!" Izuku said, before he heard some movement inside the building. Stopping their talk with one another, they looked and watched in shock as well as building fear as Vader walked out of the wreckage seemingly glaring at them in fury. {You do not know, the power, of the dark side.} Vader said, calmly... a little too calmly. "A-A-Anakin! I-If you're in there, fight the Dark Side!" Izuku called out, as Vader glared at him from within his suit. "Young Midoriya, I don't think that the person who you are calling out too is in there anymore." All Might said, as he got into a combat stance. "I-I-I can't just give up on Anakin! He was the strongest of the Jedi Order! He wouldn't give in to the Dark side that easily!" Izuku said, as he activated his Lightsaber as Vader did the same and they moved to clash once more. With the conflicting energies as well as Force power between Izuku and Vader, everything around them was starting to become chaos. All Might move in for an attack from behind and as Vader came to turn around to grab the Hero, Izuku flew downward and went to slice the apparatus on the Sith Lords chest. Forced to dodge the attack, Vader jumped away before using the Force in order to Force Push All Might into a separate building. Vader then moved in on Izuku as the young Knight had done an underhanded swipe, swinging his blade downward he watched in awe as Izuku turned off his lightsaber as soon as Vader's blade made contact with his own and turned it back on as soon as Izuku's wrists as well as arms were in position to strike a lethal blow. Moving his chest out of the way just in time, Vader growled at Izuku as he started to increase his strength in his fight against Izuku. {You dare use underhanded tactics as if you aren't a Jedi. You must remember that the Jedi did not consent to those kinds of tactics on the battlefield.} Vader taunted as Izuku glared at him harder. "I may not be a Jedi Master, but that doesn't mean that I can't use those kinds of tactics. The Jedi Order is dead, but I am one of its surviving members. So long as I breath, I will use any tactic in order to survive, even if it's against my own code." Izuku said, as he prepared for another fight. As the two glared at one another, the people surrounding them had watched on in both horror as well as awe as the two fought. They moved as if they were blurring the next moment, clashing a few times and once All Might recovered and entered the fray Vader was pushed back once again. But Izuku knew better, they had to bide their time, and make sure that they didn't go for any unnecessary attacks that could split them up again.


On the other side of the Galaxy, Sidious the Emperor of the entire Galaxy had felt a massive shift in the Force. It wasn't that big or massive in comparison to what he had done in the past, but it was enough that he looked over to the small planet that he found Izuku on. Earth. Looking at the planet with his Sith Alchemy he had found what he was looking for, a battle was brewing between two people. His apprentice as well as... well here is a surprise, it is the one boy who Sidious thought could become his new apprentice when he ran out of uses for Vader himself. "Hm, it seems that Vader is going easy on that young boy. I will need him to bring the boy to me so that I can train him in the Dark Side, harness its power and soon the Galaxy will be so far into the Dark Side of the Force, the Light will never return." Sidious said, as he started to cackle manaically.

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