Sports Festival Begins!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to the Jedi Hero Force! I have been loving how you all are giving this story even more attention than when I first started the story! I know that it will be a while before I can even start more chapters which take part in the known Galaxy within the Star Wars Universe, but I will make sure that Izuku managed to reach that point as soon as I get past the rest of the main line story! Don't worry Izuku will make it to the Galaxy when he defeats the main threats! I will make sure that their fights with Izuku are quick!

Izuku was inside the waiting room with his classmates as they prepared mentally for the Sports Festival to begin. He had been thinking about what the Sexual Education class he had with Midnight Sensei and every time he looked at a girl classmate, he would blush at them before shaking his head and looking away. He had been holding true to his entire Jedi Ways for far too long, and it's only now that he is seeing the girls for who they are as women, and not only as character. He had always been taught to never look at a woman for what she may be, and look at them for who they are, at least that was how Master Yoda explained to him. He was to keep any and all relationships away from his heart since they could be taken advantage of by the Sith as well as those who opposed him. He was so into his own thoughts he never heard Todoroki come up behind him and talk to him pulling him out of his stupor. "Midoriya, from what I can believe. We are the strongest students within the First Year Hero Course. In terms of raw power as well as technique, we are the strongest in the class of 1-A." Todoroki said, as Izuku looked at him. "As much as I would love to agree with you there Todoroki-kun, you really shouldn't state that our classmates are not in the same playing field as we are. I already know of your weakness, but you haven't seen what mine is. Everyone knows what your weakness is Todoroki-kun, and it's high time that you stop holding back on us. And it will be your hubris that will get you killed in the future if you keep going on like you have been, not taking everyone in our class seriously. It's what happened to my master after all." Izuku said, as he got up from his seat and walked over to the door. As Todoroki was staring at Izuku's disappearing form as their class was called out into the field, Izuku kept his eyes trained forwards as he watched the entire stadium erupt out in cheers. As Present Mic called out all the other students from their respective courses within the school, they all came out with smiles or scowls on their faces. Izuku kept himself in the middle of the crowd as he started to meditate in order to collect all of his nerves and hold them down in order to let out his confidence. "And for the First Year Pledge, we have Midoriya Izuku!" Midnight called out, as Izuku looked up at the woman. Shuddering immediately at her presence, Izuku started to walk up the stairs to the podium where she stood as she handed the microphone to him. "Go get them tiger, you passed your classes by the way." Midnight said, with a wink. Shaking his head at the woman's antics, he looked at the crowd, and was now becoming even more nervous about having to talk to these people. "H-Hello everyone, as she said, I am Midoriya Izuku. A member of Class 1-A, and I would like to inform you all that I wasn't informed about the pledge I needed to make for the Sports Festival so I will keep it short. To those of us who wish to become even stronger and join the Hero Course, I will tell you now. Try and kick us off our pedestals as the Next Heroes on the field because we will fight back for our spots in the Hero Course. You all declared War on my class since we fought Villains at the USJ, well... we won't be giving up our spots that easily. I hope you all the best of luck and I will give the Mic back to Midnight before she gives me anymore nightmares." Izuku said, as he tossed the mic back to the woman and beelining it to the students below. Izuku finally made it to the students where safety in numbers were located as the woman looked at him specifically with a slight angered look. "Well aside from that insult towards me, I will begin the first spin of the wheel in order to see what kind of event we get for the first event!" Midnight called out, as she spun a wheel. As the students as well as the teachers conversed about what kind of event, they would be doing this year for the first event of the Sports Festival, it landed on an Obstacle Race. As Midnight had smiled at the outcome, she began to speak to the crowd as she talked about what kinds of dangers the students would have to traverse in order to finish the race. And Izuku was surprised that it wasn't that much harder than the UA Entrance Exams since it was basically dodging each and every obstacle in your way to winning the festival's first Event. Izuku had placed himself at the very back of the horde of students since he wanted to make sure that Todoroki couldn't take him out of the festival at the first shot. So as he waited for Present Mic to inform them all to head out, Izuku meditated some more as the timer dropped down from ten. Once it was at five, he exited his meditation as he gained a determined expression on his face before once it was at zero, he jumped into the air as the said air dropped a few degrees as ice covered the ground of the entire stadium's grounds inside the coliseum. As soon as he landed, the young Jedi Knight had run through the tunnel following his classmates who managed to escape from the ice attack with complete ease. Izuku had been doing some training in secret as he managed to learn some Force Abilities that allowed him to increase his physical abilities at a rapid pace. 'Learning Force Augment was a great thing to do over the time I was training.' Izuku thought to himself as he ran through the tunnel and appearing near fourth place in the running. While Izuku was running down the road he noticed that there were some Robots attacking the students as he smiled to himself. It was literally like the UA Entrance Exams since the robots were Zero-Three pointers who were attacking the students. Todoroki had managed to ice a few of the Zero-Pointers in positions that made them extremely dangerous for those who ran underneath them. Izuku being the Jedi that he was, ran after Todoroki in order to catch up, he had no reasons for not running underneath the robots. He made sure that the other students were pumped after his speech, and he will not come in second on the first event of the day. So as he passed by some students who were having some issues passing the Zero-Pointer Robots, he heard some explosions in the distance as he passed by Ashido who was skating across the area on her acid. She waved at him with a wink, as he blushed slightly as she looked confused at him for a moment before recognition hit her eyes as she smiled deviously as he ran ahead. Unfortunately for her though, that bought a robot enough time to catch up to her and clonk her on the head causing her to turn her attention away from Izuku allowing him to run off. Within the next few minutes Izuku found himself catching up to Bakugo and Todoroki as they both were fighting over who was going to be in first. They both had already made it across the land that was missing as well as a bridge in the middle as Izuku relied on the Force in order to allow him to cross. Running as fast as possible he crossed the rickety bridge in no time as he continued his speed towards the two in front. As soon as he arrived at the minefield, both first and second place users were battling around the mines in their attempt to cause the other to lose ground. Izuku decided to pass by them secretly in order to catch them off guard since their attention was not on him, but on each other. As soon as he passed by them both, he let out a snicker at how they were arguing with one another as he slowly made it towards the end of the minefield. But apparently life didn't wish for him to succeed as he heard Explosions coming for him as he saw Bakugo with a manic smile on his face. "DON'T THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY DEKU!" Bakugo called out, as Izuku ran faster. Using the Force, he stopped the boy's quirk from working by constricting the boy's muscles in his body causing a forced cramp to hit his wrists thereby causing the boy to fall onto a mine. Wincing from the explosion coming from the mine, Izuku made it out of the minefield as he continued forwards to the end of the race back at the beginning. Like before though, it seemed like life didn't wish for him to win as he felt the air suddenly get colder as he dodged to the left as a bunch of ice passed by him. Using the Force to find where Todoroki was he saw that the boy was gaining on him fast using his ice powers. So Izuku used his Force abilities in order to increase his speed as well in order to keep a big lead on the boy and managed to pass the line in first. "And coming in first place is Midoriya Izuku! And following him is Bakugo Katsuki! And in third place we have Todoroki Shoto! What a great lead up for the second event!" Present Mic called out as Bakugo whined about not getting first. Todoroki though seemed to be glaring harshly at Izuku as he looked like he wanted to wring Izuku's throat out. Sighing, Izuku went to sit down to meditate in order to calm his raging heart, the problem with Force Augmentation was that it caused him a lot of stamina drain. He just hopes that it doesn't become noticeable in the future of the festival, if the next one isn't one that he is required to use it he will save it for the battle tournament version of the festival. As soon as the last few students passed the lines in order to pass on to the second event Midnight called out that there will be a few minutes for an interim before the second event began. Using that timeframe in order to catch his breathing up and bring them down to normal levels, Izuku looked around as he thought about what the next event will entail. Shaking his head, he started to look at his classmates as he thought how he would pull out another win for what the second event will look and play out like. He looked at his classmates as the females were sweating hard and Izuku found his eyes staying focused on Toru for some reason since she was invisible, and the girl was shining like a beacon in the middle of the group. Although for some reason a new thought occured to him as he stared at the girl, why was she looking like a goddess to him in the sun's rays? As he tried to look away from the girl, it seemed like she noticed his long stare as she walked over to him as he noticed she was now looking at him. "Hey is there a reason why you are staring at me?" She asked, confused and concerned. "U-Um, n-nothing!" Izuku said, uncharacteristically stuttering. "Ashido said something about you having to take a special class with Midnight a few days ago, would it have anything to do with that?" She asked, curiously as Izuku just stayed silent. Before he could say anything more about the problems at hand, Midnight spoke up as she released a crack of her whip. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! WELCOME BACK TO THE SECOND EVENT OF THE FESTIVAL! I HOPE YOUR PREPARED FOR THE SECOND EVENT!" She called out as she spun the wheel again. As it spun Izuku looked at the choices, they were all team based as Izuku thought about what kind of team he would like to use. Although for some reason Toru had stayed by his side at the moment as he continued to mutter aloud but not loud enough for it to be annoying. "FOR THE SECOND EVENT, IT WILL BE A CAVALRY BATTLE! THOSE WHO ARE GIVEN SET PLACEMENTS IN THE RACE WILL BE GIVEN A CERTAIN NUMBER OF POINTS! WHOEVER WAS IN 42 PLACE, YOU WILL RECEIVE 1 POINT, THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE ABOVE GET RESPECTIVE POINTS THAT ARE MORE THE HIGHER YOU GO UP. THAT IS UNTIL YOU REACH THE TOP THREE! THIRD PLACE HAS 650 POINTS, SECOND PLACE HAS 1050 POINTS, AND FIRST PLACE... HAS TEN MILLION POINTS!" Midnight said, as she smirked at Izuku's growing dread. "The Cavalry battle will consist of at least four members for a singular team, that means I need to make a team of four that can cement my win. Okay I need to bring people that are going to want to move onto the next round without even being known. You want to join me Toru?" Izuku asked, before noticing the invisible girl was not present. Looking at the numbers on the point values he found that Toru had just been underneath 42nd place and he could help but feel guilty about that. But that provided a new issue, who would want to team up with him in order to move onto the next round? Looking at the 41 other students who were now looking at him like he was a piece of meat, he shook his head as he meditated to himself. If he wasn't going to find anyone to join him, he would feel them out through the Force, he did have about 15 minutes to make a team of at least four. Here's hoping to find any other Force Sensitives to help him win this portion of the Sports Festival.

A/N That is the end of the chapter, I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! I am just letting you all know that if the next chapter comes out really short, please don't take your anger out on me since I am personally not a fan of that event in the original run of the manga/anime. It really was mostly people fighting for 10 million points and just losing because Izuku barely managed to scrape out into fourth place. Well that is all for me, get this story up to around 400 reads and I will make another chapter for you all! See you all later!

2599 Words!

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