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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Jedi Hero: Force! I hope you all haven't been waiting too long for this chapter to come out, and I will make sure to try and keep my chapters for any and all chapters get another one without having much time passing after they are released. Without further ado, let's begin the chapter!

Mirko had been jumping from building to building as she was holding the unconscious Force Wielder over her shoulder as she grumbled. "I swear this bastard better pay me back for doing this for him. I know I heard him barely say my Hero name." Mirko said, as she finally jumped one last time and landed in front of UA Academy. The rest of the students of Class 1-A saw how Izuku was being carried into the school grounds unconscious by Mirko and the couple girls who were staring at the moment were scared for his health. Mirko passed through the students and made sure to move as fast as possible to get Izuku inside of Recovery Girl's office. Whilst this was happening, Nezu was in an emergency meeting with the rest of his colleagues as they talked about what in the world had happened. "Alright we need to get to the bottom of this attack on Musutafu." Nezu said, as he looked at each and every teacher of UA. "Who in the world was that guy in the black armor as well as mask?" Aizawa asked, as he was concerned. "I have had some of my police consultants do some blood tests on the old man inside the armor, and for some reason his blood doesn't even register as one of our inhabitants." Nezu said, as the entire room went up in uproar. "What do you mean there isn't anyone who hasn't been born with his blood type!?" Present Mic called out. "Are you saying that there is no one in history with a similar blood type to him?" Midnight asked, as Yagi Toshinori had stood up. "I believe that the only answers we will be getting are from Young Midoriya himself, he seemed to know that Darth Vader man when we were fighting. He kept talking about how we were both going to die." Toshinori said, as everyone looked to him. "What do you mean by that All Might?" Aizawa questioned, deeply concerned. "I meant what I said, Young Midoriya was having a mild panic attack during the fight. He was talking about how Darth Vader was going to kill us without remorse... and the most important part about the man... was that he wasn't the only 'Sith Lord' in the Galaxy." Toshinori said, as he stared at Aizawa. "So you mean to tell me that there may be another Sith Lord that Young Midoriya knows about? Why hasn't this come out earlier?" Nezu questioned. "Because of the fact he doesn't trust us enough to tell us about where he originally came from before arriving on Earth." Toshinori said, as everyone was silent. If they were going to get answers from Izuku, they needed him to be as calm as possible as well as fully healed from his injuries. Considering he was the only person aside from All Might who could keep up with the Sith Lord, which was really terrifying, they really needed to get to the bottom of this situation and make sure that it doesn't happen again. And because of this attack on Young Midoriya, the Internships that all the students were about to embark on... was put on hold since they needed to make sure that their atmosphere was cleared from any and all attacks. Unknown to everyone on Earth, Darth Sidious would be having a much harder time in fighting the spawn of Vader deep in space and would be defeated by him.


Lying in bed, Izuku would wake up from his living nightmare with a massive spike in his heart rate as he sat up immediately holding his chest hyperventilating. Recovery Girl would run over in order to make sure that he was alright, bringing him back from his hyperventilation with soft words as well as her calming aura. Izuku listened to her words of breathing in for a few seconds as well as letting out said breath for a few seconds. Once he was fully recovered from his panic attack, he stared at her and gave her his thanks for helping him in his lowest moment of his life. And as he started to feel out with the Force... he noticed something odd about the known Galaxy he could sense. "T-The darkness of the G-Galaxy... its', it's gone." Izuku muttered as Recovery Girl stared at him. "What are you talking about now, young man?" She asked, as Izuku stared at her with renewed strength as well as happiness. "The Dark Lord of the Sith, Emperor Palpatine otherwise known as Darth Sidious has been defeated!" Izuku said, as tears brimmed on the edges of his vision. As Recovery Girl heard this, she gave Izuku a pat on his left thigh before walking away and informing her allies of Izuku's revelation. Whilst she was gone, Izuku felt out for Palpatine in the Force, but since his presence was near non-existent, he let out a small huff of breath. The man who single handedly caused the destruction of the Jedi, had been completely wiped away from the Force itself. And as he went to stand up, two people entered the room to keep an eye on him as he was about to get off the bed. "What are you doing young man? Shouldn't you be staying in bed?" A voice questioned, as Izuku looked over at the door. He found a tall man with a beige tan overcoat staring at him from the doorway, he had black hair as well as eyes as he walked over to him. "S-Sorry, just... excited at the moment." Izuku said, as the man just patted Izuku's head. "Well I guess I should inform you about who I am." The man said, as Izuku stared at him. "My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, and I am a Detective within the Police Precinct within Tokyo. My quirk is named Lie Detector, and we are only here to ask you a few questions about what happened at the Musutafu general train station." Tsukauchi said, as Izuku nodded. "Alright, now what were you and your class doing before this... Darth Vader attacked you all?" Tsukauchi asked, as Izuku told him about them about how his class were preparing for their Internships when they were suddenly attacked. "Truth, alright. Now for the hard part. Do you know who Darth Vader was originally? We know that Darth Vader hasn't got any records on Earth for our human species." Naomasa asked, as Izuku sighed. "That's because Darth Vader before he became a Sith Lord... wasn't born on Earth." Izuku said, as Naomasa looked shocked. "Where was he born then?" He asked, as Izuku looked to him. "He was born on a planet called Dagobah, it's a sandy planet that was filled to the brim with slavery. He lost his mom to Tuscan raiders considering she was still a slave at the time." Izuku said, as Naomasa nodded. For the remaining time between the two, Izuku spoke about the actions of Palpatine as well as Anakin Skywalker throughout the Clone Wars as well as after the event itself. Once Izuku finished his tale of how he himself landed on Earth in an attempt to escape the young Dark Lord of the Sith, Naomasa couldn't help but think that when Izuku was younger... he had been given the greatest amount of luck possible. Leaving Izuku inside the recovery office, the detective went to inform the Heroes of the school about the situation, especially with how Izuku was incredibly relieved when he felt that there was no more breathtaking darkness surrounding the known Galaxy. Alone in his room now, Izuku laid back down on the bed as he thought about what he should do now that Sith Lords who terrified him in his dreams were now dead. He would fall asleep in the cot as he was completely unaware of how three Force Ghosts would appear near the edge of the bed.  As he was sleeping the Force Ghost of Grandmaster Yoda would place a hand over Izuku's forehead as he imbued him with some Force Energy. "Was that wise Master Yoda?" An old voice asked, as Yoda looked over to him. "Keep him alive we must, one of the last Jedi, he is." Yoda said, as the old man chuckled. "Well far be it from me to keep my powers at bay for a while. He may become one of the most powerful Jedi our Order has ever seen aside from Skywalker's son as well as Skywalker himself." The old man said, as Yoda and the old man disappeared from the mortal plane.

Izuku woke up the next morning feeling refreshed as he thought about what he and his class will do since they hadn't started their Internships. He wanted to learn from the Hero he was assigned in how to learn to use the blade better since he wanted to learn all forms of Lightsaber Combat. And he could create his own living on Earth and learning from some of the best sword fighters the planet could offer. But that was beside the point right now, as he tried to get up from his cot, he couldn't help but feel as though something was keeping him tethered to the cot itself. Lifting the blanket that was over him slightly he soon found out the reason why he couldn't move from his position. Laying on top of his chest was a set of clothing whose owner was invisible, and as he placed his hand on where he believed was their head of hair, he started patting it softly. A small groan of a mewl had resounded from the room as Izuku's face became a roaring blush as the girl had slowly sat up. She stretched her body as she fully straddled him as Izuku's rising blush was becoming more and more pronounced...especially in his trousers. "Ohaiyo! *Yawn! *" The adorable voice of Hagakure Toru said, as she laid back down on Izuku's bare chest. As soon as the girl was about to fall asleep, she immediately sat back up again as Izuku was looking her where he believed her eyes were located as the girl let out an adorable eep. With her jumping out of the bed, Izuku used the force to make sure that she didn't accidentally hurt herself by softly placing her on the ground. "S-Sorry about waking you up, Hagakure-san. B-But you didn't have to do that." Izuku said, looking to the side blushing. "N-No it's my fault. You were sleeping and I was spending some time to see if you were alright." Toru said, as Izuku looked back at her. "Um, not that I should be saying this... but this is the first time we're meeting, I think?" Izuku asked, as the girl nodded. "You protected me the entire fight you had against that black armored guy. I wanted to thank you but ended up sleeping on top of you last night. You're surprisingly warm when you are sleeping." Toru said, as a light tease but Izuku shook his head. As the two devolved into a silent peace, Recovery Girl eventually arrived inside the room as she saw the two sitting with blushing faces. "Well I think that whatever you girls are doing to him is working. Keep it up, and at least wear some protection next time. But for the moment I need to check on Midoriya-kun, so please leave Hagakure-chan." Recovery Girl said, as the girl eeped and left the room as fast as possible. "S-Sorry Mrs. Recovery Girl. I-I didn't mean to break any rules with her in here last night." Izuku mumbled as Recovery Girl just sighed. "You are not in trouble young man, at least yet. What were you thinking taking on a man who was many times your senior?" She asked exasperatedly. "I-I was the o-only one w-who could fight him. I-If you are talking about D-Darth Vader." Izuku said, as he stuttered a bit. "Yes I am referring to Darth Vader. But there is a reason we have Heroes kid. They can deal with someone like that man, a young boy like yourself who hasn't made it through his school year cannot be allowed to fight someone so strong so early in his career." Recovery Girl said, finishing her checkup. "There was no one who could hold a candle to Darth Vader, he was too strong for even All Might on his own. I think he was holding back on both of us in that fight." Izuku said, as Recovery Girl scoffed. "Then at least you should've run away. There is no problem with running away from a very terrifying opponent who is more powerful than you are young man." Recovery Girl said, as Izuku immediately retorted. "If I did that, then he would've found me later on. There is no place in the Galaxy safe from Darth Vader's wrath." Izuku said, in complete seriousness. "I wasn't telling you to hide from him young man, I am a doctor, it's my job to give you options to prevent such damage happening to you." Recovery Girl said, as Izuku slumped. "Your body has recovered enough for you to head back to the Dorms that Nezu has finished building. I will see you all when you return from your Internships next week." Recovery Girl said, as she left the room so Izuku could change. "We're still going on our internships?" Izuku questioned to himself quietly.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all have been enjoying this chapter of recovery as much as I did. I even gave a bit of fluff/ecchi stuff within for ToruDeku fans out there! But not much else to talk about at the moment so I will see you all next time I make another chapter... in about 3,000,000,000 years. See you later!

P.S. I don't mean the 3 billion years literally.

2381 Words!

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