Chapter 12

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Chewing on my steak silently, Byeok and Hyun continued conversing with us. I nodded whilst keeping my eyes glued to my plate - playing with my mashed potatoes and peas. Jungkook casually replied with a few hums or quiet 'yes'. Flinching at a fork clattering on the plate, Byeok released a fake chuckle.

"You guys know how a conversation works right?" Rolling my eyes at her, I placed my knife and fork down gently against my dish before gazing into her blue contacts with a smirk plastered on my lips.

"We do but we'd prefer not to reply back to your boring questions." Jungkook stifled a laugh as he took a sip from his red wine. A scoff escaped from Byeok as she clicked her jaw.

"Well, aren't you feisty?" Hyun chortled as he kept his eyes on you, more specifically on your cleavage. Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"Keep your eyes away from my girl." He released a hiss as he gripped my right thigh. Raising his hands in surrender, Hyun released a deep cackle as he slipped his arm around Byeok's shoulders.

"You think your girl is more appealing than mine?" A cheshire smirk crept on his lips making me scoff as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I must be since you were too busy ogling me." Smoke streamed out of Byeok's ears as her face began to tint a shade or rouge.

"Jungkook. Control your girl's mouth." Immediately, Jungkook's hand slammed against the table causing some customers eyes to wander to our table.

"You're a filthy piece of shit. I don't know what you wanted to achieve with this double date but we're leaving." Abruptly, Jungkook stood on his feet - pulling me up with him.

"Fine. Leave. But before you do, you might wanna hear about Choi Sa- Ahh!" A startled scream left her mouth as she processed what happened. Red wine dripped down her face and her dress. She was completely soaked. A victory smile decorated my features.

"Oops. I spilled my wine." Turning on my heels, I started sauntering away from the furious couple with Jungkook following closely behind me. Feeling his arm wrap around my waist, Jungkook whispered huskily.

"That. Was. Fucking. Hot." Giggling at his words, he pressed his lips against my cheek as we exited the restaurant. Getting closer to his car, I let out a shriek as I felt my back being pressed against his black BMW.

"Jung-". A gasp slipped out of my lips as I felt his teeth nibble my neck. His body pressed against my own whilst his hand slid up and down the curves of my body sensually. Placing my hands against his chest, I tried to pry him off but failed - earning a growl from Jungkook.

"Don't push me away love." A blush cascaded my cheeks as I felt his words. Love. He's never called me that before.

"But what if someone sees?" His towering figure leaned down towards my face - inches away from each other.

"Then let's carry on in the car. No one will see us then right?" My mouth was agape as my eyebrows shot up in startlement. Chuckling at my features, he cupped my chin - shutting it gently before placing a soft peck on my glossy lips. Soon after, Jungkook pulled the door open to the backseat.

"Ladies first." He spoke in a British accent making me giggle as I shimmied inside the car. He joined me straight after, pulling the door shut. My heart beat echoed through my ears as I gulped my saliva involuntarily as I gawked at Jungkook. He was man spreading whilst resting his head back on the head rest. Sensing my gaze on his, he gestured for me to sit on his lap. Complying, I adjusted myself on his lap - earning a groan from him as I purposely rubbed my core against his bulge.

"Are you teasing me princess?" Cocking my head to the side, I felt his arms latch onto my sides whilst my own rested on his shoulders.

"Maybe." I responded cutely as I continued to stare into his mesmerizing dark orbs. Chuckling at my cuteness, he leaned closer towards me - our lips grazing against each other. Our breaths fanning one another's.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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