Chapter 11

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Unfortunately, today was the day. Saturday double-date night. It was currently 6.30pm giving me about 1 hour and a half to get ready. Sighing, I pushed my freshly washed hair back as I scanned my closet. Jungkook had texted me to wear something “extravagant” and “sexy” - his words, not mine. Eyeing my closet with multiple shirts sprawling out, my eyes caught something. In the far back of the closet, a red satin dress hung around a hanger. Immediately grabbing on to it, I pulled it to my view and scanned it. I somehow forgot this dress existed in my closet since I only wore it once at a party once way back.

It was a short dress which would reach just above my knees or even higher whilst a low v-neck accompanied the dress. It was simple but extravagant enough, I think? Setting my dress down on my bed, I ignored the tornado of clothes that laid on the floor as I began putting on my makeup. Jungkook had texted me earlier to do either a smokey look or nothing but he preferred smokey since my “bland face” wouldn't outshine Byeok’s “caked up face” which ticked me off. I had even asked how he knew about these makeup terminology but all he replied back was.

You catch a few things when you fuck girls

I don't know how many times I mentally rolled my eyes at that comment. Instantly though, he replied back with “I'm joking” making me reply back with “sure” which then he responded back with.


Finishing up my makeup, I gave my lips one last stroke of gloss. Satisfied with my work, I slipped into the maroon dress - now realizing how fitting and tight it was. The satin dress hugged my figure gorgeously, outlining my hips and slim waist. It was more shorter then I imagined as it clung onto my thighs. I'm pretty sure if I sit down, my underwear will be on full display. Sighing, my eyes trailed back up to notice how my cleavage was also on full display. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“I'm gonna change.” Before I could rummage back in my closet, multiple knocks echoed through my dorm - scaring the shit out of me. Huffing in frustration, I rushed to the door and pried it open as I saw Jungkook in all his glory.

He wore his iconic lip piercing along with another adjacent to his lip ring. Did he get another lip piercing? Noticing his perfectly arched eyebrows I couldn't help but scoff at how perfect they are - making me jealous of my own brows. His hair was styled handsomely as his sexy forehead was on full display as his black hair was gelled back. Wait, sexy? Shaking my useless thoughts, my eyes shifted downwards to his outfit.

He wore a fancy ass black suit with dress pants that hid his bulging thighs making me sulk. However, his white button up shirt clung onto his ripped chest for dear life whilst the first 2 buttons were undone, revealing his sharp collar bones. Gulping involuntarily, I was snapped out of my daze as Jungkook let out a fake cough.

“You look…good.” Is he blushing? He began to scratch the back of his neck nervously as a crimson shade cascaded on his cheeks. I didn't fail to notice how his eyes lingered on my barely clothed legs and chest making me rush back to my closet as I began to search for something else to wear.

“What are you doing?” His footsteps came to a halt as he watched me scavenge for something more appropriate.

“Looking for something else to wear. This is too revealing.” I managed to say as I continued throwing clothes here and there. Suddenly, I felt his warm palm on my lower back making me straight up immediately since I was bent over a little whilst I was looking through my closet.

“You're perfect baby. This dress is perfect.” He whispered huskily in my ear, making my heart hammer in my chest. Spinning on my feet, I looked up at Jungkook through my lashes before asking.

“Are you sure? What if it's too much? You can practically see my underwear when I sit down.” I complain as I watch a smile erupt on Jungkook's face, letting out a few giggles as well.

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