A dream apart

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Just like any other day, Ice went to bed exhausted from everything, ignoring the loud argument in the kitchen.

He opened his eyes again, but this time he wasn't in his room. He was in a field full of daisies and dandelions.

"Took you long enough!"A boy with shining red eyes and a smile so bright that it almost hurt said.

"Mm.."Ice simply took his hand and let himself be hugged.

"There, there,"The boy patted his back. "You're safe here with me."

Tears escaped his sleepy eyes. "Why can't you be with me all the time Blaze?"

His eyes softened, hands still patting in a soothing manner. "You know exactly why Ice.."

"Still!"A sob escaped his lips. "I don't like the life without you.."

"I know my little twin,"Blaze's voice turned sad. "If I could ever wish for anything, that is to live with you."

The twins sobbed, hugging each other as if their life depended on it. And when Ice opened his eyes again, he was back in his room.

Tired eyes stared the blank ceiling. "Blaze.."He mumbled, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I want you here.."

Explaination: Blaze is the twin that died at birth! Yet Ice knew him his whole life. He was there, in his sweetest dreams.

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