don't judge someone by their look

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???:"How come you always see the best in someone, even when they look so scary?"

Taufan:"Because I grew up with a 'scary' brother that looked like he would hit me if I annoyed him, but actually loves me and would never hurt me."


*Halilintar saying something which is not what he meant and regretting it immediately, but look like he actually meant it yet gave his siblings a chocolate as an apology.*

*Taufan confused if he meant it or not.*

*Halilintar barely showing emotion and seemed scary all the time.*

*Taufan wondering if he is in a bad mood or just being himself.*

*Halilintar look like he is in a bad mood, but take care of his siblings.*

*Taufan confused if Hali actually cares about them or hates taking care of them*

*Halilintar actually asking, but sound more like a demand.*

*Taufan not understanding if Hali is telling him what to do or asking him to do something.*

*Halilintar surprised by the sudden hug and pushed Taufan instinctly, but looked at him apogetictly afterwards.*

*Taufan confused if he meant to push him or was surprised by him.*


"Eyes say more than you think. So if you are confused what someone is actually feeling, look at their eyes. It's not guaranteed, but sometime you can see their actual emotion."~Taufan

This is also the same AU as the previous chapter.

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