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"Blaze stay still!"Solar shouted and tried to catch Blaze

"Meow!!!"Blaze hissed and jumped on a table

"Don't you dare"Solar said,but Blaze didn't listen and pushed the glass filled with potion on the floor before jumping

"Blaze!"Solar shouted and quickly catched Blaze before his foot touched the liquid"That liquid is dangerous!"

"Meow!!!!!"Blaze meowed loudly as he tried to escape

"Stop moving already!"Solar shouted and held Blaze even tigher

An hour ago

"Ughhhh,what did you give me Sol?"Blaze said with a sick voice"I don't feel to good"

Solar had somehow manage to convince Blaze to test out his potion

"Strange.I'm pretty sure that I didn't put anything toxic in that potion"Solar said

"What you mean 'in that potion'? Do you put toxic things in your other potion!?"Blaze said

Solar didn't reply and just looked at his potion book

"Hey!Answer my question!"Blaze shouted,but Solar ignored him again

"Why did I agree to try out his potion..?"Blaze asked himself"I'm gonna die one day because of him"

"Here drink this"Solar said as he handed him a glass with potion

"Is there anything toxic in it?"Blaze asked skeptically

"Just drink it!"

"So there is something in it!"

"Do you want to feel better or not?"

"Fine..."Blaze said grumphily"But if I die,then I will haunt you!"

Solar rolled his eyes"Yeah,yeah.Just drink it"

Blaze then drank the potion,but nothing happened

"Strange"Solar mumbled and looked at the book

Suddenly blaze started to hiccup(?),before he turned into a cat

Back to present

"Stop moving already!"Solar shouted while trying to hold Blaze in place and make him drink the antidote

Blaze hissed and bit Solar's hand


Blaze suddenly stopped moving and looked at the bitemark on Solar's hand

"Meow..."Blaze meowed sadly and licked Solar's finger

"I'm fine"Solar said and patted Blaze's head"Now drink this"

Blaze didn't want to at first,but decided to drink it in the end

"Ew!"Blaze shouted"That taste disgusting"

"Finally,you're back"Solar sighed in relief

"But he was cute as a cat though"Solar thought"I would have kept him as a cat for atleast a day if he wasn't so chaotic"

"Don't even think about it"Blaze said as he looked at Solar

"What do mean?"

"You know what I mean"

"I don't"

"You want me as a cat"

"I don't"


"Am not"

"You are"

"Why would I want you as a cat when you're so chaotic?"

"Cause I'm cute"

"No you're not"

"Yes I am!"





They continued to bicker until they got bored with it

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