Boboiboy effect

378 21 15

Past Hali:
"I hate them all! They're all the same! They always use my power, but did they ever ask how I felt? How it feels to be used as a tool? I have feelings too..."

Current Hali:
"You're nothing like my past care about me..why? Why did you care? You didn't even know if I was 'someone' and not 'something', yet you've always treated me like a person. I was never just a 'power' to you..."

Past Taufan:
"Is it too much to ask? Can't I just do something on my own for once? Use my power for my own? Be free for once? Is it really too much to ask for?"

Current Taufan:
"Life's great! I love my owner and I love my siblings! I'm free! I'm finally free! I can explore on my own, go on my own, move on my own. It's great!"

Past Gempa:
"Everyday is the same. I'm merely a power for them to use... it's tiring. I don't like it..."

Current Gempa:
"I can do what I want? I can refuse if I don't want to? I can actually decide...? Why are you so nice to me? Do you know that I'm also a living being? don' why?thank you...."

Past Blaze:
"Boringggg. I hate my owners. Either they treat me like shit or they use me as a tool. I'm the fire itself, so of course I'm dangerous! I can't change that! Stop blamaing me for it!"

Current Blaze:
"You're not mad...? You're worried...? You didn't even thought once of blaming me...why? Because you thought that you did it? Is that why? I hope it's not...I would like to believe that you care about me...cause no one did in the past. I was merely a tool and a 'monster'"

Past Ice:
"Why is everyone so dramatic? 'I want to live' they all say, but what's so good at living? I'm alive yet I feel empty. What's so good about it? I will never understand it."

Current Ice:
"Is this what life is supposed to be? Really? Why didn't you tell me? I love to live...especially with my current owner and siblings. It's...nice. I guess I get it now"

Past Thorn:
"They are so mean...stop using me to hurt people! I don't want to, stop it! Stop it...please. I don't want to hurt anyone..."

Current Thorn:
"Ori is so nice! Hehe,I love ori! He is the sweetest person ever! I don't like violence, but if it means keeping him save, then I will gladly do it."

Past Solar:
"I hate them all. They're all the it so hard to understand that I'm alive? That I'm not a 'thing'? I told you various of times,so why don't you listen?"

Current Solar:
"Thank you...for everything. For my life, my happiness, my family, and my freedom."

Hali:He was mostly mistreated by his past owner,so he started to resent them and always tried to escape, but to no avail.Eventually he started to steal the life energy of his owner,wanting them to die,so that he could escape.

Taufan:He was mostly lucky to have owners that wasn't too bad.(except Retakka)He never once told his owner that he was alive ever since the few owners that he had told about it didn't care.Of course he didn't like to be used, but his only wish was to be free, just once in his life.

Gempa:He has always been obedient to his owners,but he never liked his life. It was the same,over and over again. Everything repeats. Once a good,then a bad owner. Eventually he got tired of it and just silently watched his owners use his power.

Blaze:Every single one of his owner are either afraid of him or hates/mistreats him. All that just because he can lose control of his power. He told his existence to his few first owner and actually became friends with them. Until he loses control that is...they started to turn their back to him and blamed him for everything, so he stopped telling his future owners about him,hoping to feel less pain.

Ice:He never really cared about life nor about his owners using his power. He never once told his owner about him and just silently watched everything happened. Life was completely pointless for him back then.

Thorn:He didn't have a good luck with his owners. Only one was nice, but he long died which saddened him. He never liked violence, but his owners kept using his power for it, which made him slowly hates his own power.

Solar:He didn't have that many owners, but all of them had been evil and mistreated him, making him both resent and afraid of them, but he never show his fear.

Another AU :)

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