fun facts(again)

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-all of them wouldn't worry about their safety when they are with Halilintar or Blaze.

-Gempa wouldn't worry as much leaving the house when Blaze is at home.---the house might get destroyed, but no one would get hurt.

-Everyone tells Taufan or Halilintar about their ideas, even if it's very silly.---they know that their brothers wouldn't judge them and always support them. Unless it somehow endanger them.

-they feel safe with Halilintar and trust him with everything.

-Halilintar doesn't mind his siblings scaring him with baloons, as long as they don't pop it. (It scares him, but seeing his siblings smile is worth it)

-Blaze absoluty hates being accused of doing something that he didn't do or lying, so it's easy to know when he actually lie/do something and when he is actually innocent.

-everyone automaticly watch over Thorn when they are outside. (He easily gets lost.)

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