relationship:Halilintar and Gempa

315 19 13

Gempa:*scolding him to take care of himself,because he is worried*

Halilintar:*Zoning out and isn't actually listening to him*
Gempa:*mature and independent*

Hali:*Spoils him*
Gempa:*mentaly drained*

Hali:*makes sure that everyone is quiet and he gets his rest*
Gempa:*lecturing Halilintar that violence is not good*

Hali:*Stubborn and gives short,but good comebacks*

Result=Arguments for hours
Gempa:*stressed and worried about his siblings doing dangerous things*

Hali:*already prepared with bandages and calmly standing next to Gempa*
Gempa:*scolding his siblings for using violence*

Hali:*the one who taught them that.*
Gempa:*stopping his siblings from doing crazy things*

Hali:*encourage them*
Hali:*stubborn and won't rest even though he is sick*

Gempa:*use puppy eyes to make him agree*

Hali:*melting the second he does it and gives up*

Gempa:*checking Halilintar's room for the tenth time that night*

Hali:*Manage to not get caught playing on his phone*


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