'justice' or your brother?

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"One of the most dangerous villian has finally been caught! We are finally going to see his identity!"The reporter said in TV.

"Right, we caught them yesterday."Taufan said.

"Yeah,but we didn't get to see his face."Blaze said.

"Who do you think they are?"Thorn asked.

"Probably some random person."Solar guessed.

"I also think so.."Ice said.

"Have anyone see big brother Hali?"Gempa suddenly asked.

"He said that he won't come home for a few days because of his work."Taufan revealed.

"Oh, okay then."Gempa replied.

"Here is the moment that you have been waiting for!"The reporter said and took off the mask of the villian.

All of them froze and couldn't believe their eyes.

The villian was their older brother Halilintar!?

"It can't be!"Taufan said and stood up. "Big brother Hali would never harm anyone!"

"That's right! The villian must've switched with him!"Blaze said, also getting up.

"You don't actually believe it, do you!?"Blaze asked as he looked at his siblings.

"I don't want to believe it, but it makes sense.."Solar said.

Ice nodded in agreement. "He is always at 'work' whenever the villian appeared.."

"Big brother Blaze might be right..! What if the actual villian switched himself with big brother Hali?"Thorn tried to defend Halilintar.

"Exactly!"Blaze added.

"I think it would be best if we ask him directly.."Gempa suggested.

That night they sneaked into Halilintar's cell and asked him about it.

"It's the truth, I was the villian all along."Halilintar confirmed.

All of them went silent until Taufan opened Halilintar's cell.

"What are you doing?"Halilintar asked in confusion.

"If you're the villian than so am I. I won't fight you nor will I let you be in here."Taufan replied.

"I agree."Blaze said and Ice went beside him too, agreeing to it.

"But-"Halilintar was cut off when Solar spoke.

"You were always there for us, so now it's our turn to be there for you."Solar said.

"I agree on that."Gempa said.

Thorn also nodded. "I will always be on your side big brother Hali."

"You guys.."Hali mumbled and they all smiled.

"No matter what happens, we will always choose you."They all said at the same time.

And from that day on, they became the villian, just like their beloved older brother Halilintar.

New AU :> and random like usual 😃

All of them are orphans who didn't have a home nor any family. They had to live in the slump and had to survive on their own. But luckily they met Halilintar who found them, one by one and took them in. He treated them like a family and gave them everything that he had, even it if meant that he had to starve for days. Halilintar grew up to see all of the corrupt things that the 'hereos' did, but he didn't care about it at first. Until his siblings were involved.. he almost lost his siblings because a 'hero' refused to help them, because they are 'filthy' children, but luckily a real hero came to save them. From that day on, Halilintar decided to become a 'villian' and get rid of all of the corrupted hereos while helping the poor citizen. He knew that it was risky and the chance that his siblings might hate him for it too, but he still did it and his first priority was and is still his siblings. If his siblings ever started to hate him, he wouldn't blame them and would still take care of them nevertheless.

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