different personality

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Gentar troublemaker mode:

"Get back here!"Supra yelled while chasing him.

"Never!"Gentar shouted and kept running while grinning.

Idiot mode:

"How do you use this??"Gentar asked while staring at the oven.

"You have to push this button and then ____..."Sopan explained with a polite smile on his face, holding himself back from hitting Gentar because it's the tenth time that he is explaining it.

Mom mode:

Gentar: *make a dramatic gasp* *hit Frostfire and pat Sori's head*


Sori:"Huhu, frosty was mean." *cling to Gentar*

Gentar:"He was, wasn't he? Do I need to punch him again? Would that make you feel better? Or do you want a hot chocolate?" *still patting sori's head*

Sori:"both please"

Gentar:*does both*
Smart mode:

Gentar:*complaining that a subject is too hard to understand*

Sopan:"What is 7 × 7 +10 × 67 +20 ÷10?"

Gentar:"721" *answer in a matter of second*

Sopan:"There you have the answer"

Gentar:"That's it??"


Gentar:"Finally!" *write the answer*

Childish mode:

Gentar:"Glacyyy" *whine and cling to Glacier*

Glacier:"There, there, the balloon is gone." *pat his head*

Gentar:*sobs and still cling to him*
Mature mode:


Frostfire:"What now??"

Gentar:"It's dangerous!"

Frostfire:"I'll be fine."

Gentar:"Absoluty not! You will not do it."

*keep arguing until Frostfire gave up*

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