Chapter 18 : The Day Before

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We went to Astrid's house and Hiccup left soon after, Rapunzel stayed not wanting to return to her empty home.

Astrid got Anna and I set up with extra blankets and pillows in her room. She didn't bother asking her father for permission because he was an alcoholic and was barely conscious for half the day. The half he was conscious was the half he was at work, so he didn't have much involvement in Astrid's life.

But it didn't seem like she minded.

We were all laying around Astrid's room and talking about the exciting day.

They told me both sides of the story and I told them what happened with Kristoff and a little bit with Jack. I left out the part with his friends attacking us and being really weird. Why did Merida lie about talking to me in the cell? I know it was her, I'm not stupid.

We continued talking until I looked at the clock and realized it was 1 A.M. Everyone said they were tired and started to drift off to sleep, but not me.

How could I fall asleep knowing that any minute Hans could find us?

I laid in my sleeping bag, between Anna and Rapunzel, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours.

I was completely exhausted, but I was determined to stay awake. Every once in awhile my eyes would close, then I would wake up again and be angry at myself.

It must have been around 5 in the morning when I couldn't take it anymore and, against my will, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


After we had gotten something to eat, Merida and Flynn went home and same with me.

This time when I went through the alleys I was very cautious, but I made it to my house without any problems.

I made sure to lock the door and I looked over the blueprints of Black's Industries.

I had tried to break in there so many times, but it never worked out, there was always a hole in the plan that I came up with.... Until now.

I spent most of the night reviewing the plan, I smiled, I think I finally did it! I think this will work. As long as Elsa can pull it off.

I went to bed satisfied, I would get a hold of Elsa in the morning and set up a meeting so I could tell her the plan. Then we could probably pull off the heist in 2 to 3 days.


I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating on the table beside my bed. I tiredly picked it up and put it to my ear, " Hello? " I spoke into the receiver.

" Jack? " the person on the other end of the line asked.

" Yes? " I asked.

" Hi, this is Elsa, and I was just wondering when we could set up a meeting to talk about the.... um... plan, " she said.

I sat up, leaning against the headboard , " How about 2 P.M. this afternoon? " I suggested.

" Sure, sounds good, see you then."

" See ya, " I responded.

" Bye, " she said as she hung up the phone.

I did the same and looked at the clock, it was 12 A.M. I still had some time.

After finally convincing my body to get out of bed I took a shower and headed to the kitchen. I poured myself some Lucky Charms and sat down on the couch.

I flipped on the T.V. and scrolled through the channels, but nothing I liked was on, so I watched the news instead.

I heard a knock on the door and jumped up to get it, Elsa was on the other side of the door who came in with a worried look on her face.

" Hey, what's up? " I asked.

She looked at me, " Oh nothing, I just, " she stopped talking and stood there deep in thought.

She realized that she was just staring at me, " Sorry, a lot has been on my mind lately, how soon can we do this? " she asked.

" I'm guessing around 2 or 3 days, it mostly depends on you. "

As I was talking I started walking towards the basement and Elsa followed me.

I took out the blueprints and laid them on the table, " Ready to hear what you have to do? " I asked.

She nodded and I started to explain, I made sure to walk her through every inch of the plan, from what the security is like to what room the safe is in.

She listened intently and surprisingly didn't look overwhelmed at all. When I had finished Elsa looked at me, " Is that all? " she asked.

A little shocked by her question, because this was one of my most complicated plans, I said, " Umm... yeah, " I hid my surprise from her. 

She smiled at me, " Okay then, get when can we do this? " 

" Well, I usually get my clients to memorize the plans, which takes around 2 days, so how about then? " I asked. 

" No, " she said, at first I thought she was kidding, but then I realized she was being completely serious.

" What do you mean, no? " I questioned. 

She sighed, " I really need the money, so I'll have the plans memorized by tomorrow and then we'll be already to go, unless you aren't prepared, " she said smirking at me. 

" No, that wouldn't be a problem, I was only being considerate, " I said. 

Elsa smiled, " Great, I'll see you tomorrow, let's say 1 o'clock? " she suggested. 

" Sure, sounds good, " I managed to say, confused on how she got to controlling the meeting.

" Bye, " she said, as she tossed her braided hair over her shoulder, walked up the stairs and out the door. 

I waved like an idiot as she disappeared at the door, leaving me alone and very confused.

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