Chapter 25 : A Familiar Voice

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I thought about what Hans' note said,

You can thank Elsa for all of this, even though it was your friends that did most of it. Not that you'll be able to ask them.

What does that mean, not that you'll be able to ask them?

I grabbed my phone out and called Flynn. I placed the phone to my ear and listened to the dial tone.

After a couple rings the answering machine came on, " Hey, this is Flynn, obviously I'm not here right now so try later, " I heard the recording say.

I hung up and tried Merida, but it ended in the same result.

It was typical of Flynn not to pick up, I understand because most of the time I didn't, but Merida always has her phone on her, even though she's usually angry at you for calling, she always picks up.

All the sudden the note made sense, Hans knew I couldn't ask them because he's the reason they're unavailable, just like Elsa's friends.

Flynn and Merida were the ones who trashed the house, from putting up a fight when Hans attacked them.

And Hans must be trying to get back at me for helping Elsa steal from him, but one thing doesn't make sense.

How does Hans have anything to do with Black's Industries?


We turned around to see a guy standing on the other side of the barred cell.

" I'm so glad all of you could make it, " he said, smiling, like we were all invited.

None of us returned the smile, but it didn't seem to bother him, " Now if you will corporate, we can get things started, " he said as big guards dressed in black came into our cell. We put up a fight but were easily overpowered by the two guards for each of us.

Soon we all had handcuffs on and a guard holding on to each arm.

We were led through a series of complicated hallways and eventually entered what seemed to be a throne room of some sort.

We stopped at the beginning of a couple stairs which led to a huge chair with a figure cloaked in all black.

We were pushed down to the floor and the guards took a few steps back.

I slowly glanced up to the person in the chair, they had an unusual shade of yellow eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dark. The rest of them I couldn't make out because of the surrounding darkness.

" By now you should all know why you are here, " said the man in the chair.

None of us said anything, because no one knew what was going on.

A couple seconds, but which seemed like forever, passed and no one said anything.

" This might clear things up.... Elsa, " he said.

I could tell that all of us were still confused.

" You're here because of Elsa! " he screamed, making us all flinch at the sudden rise of anger.

I glanced at Anna and she shared the same look of confusion that I felt.

" You truly are stupid, " he said.

He walked down the stairs, so he stood towering over us.

" Which one of you is Anna? " he asked.

No one moved or said anything, Anna looked over at me with fear in her eyes.

The man pulled out a gun, " Well I know it's not a boy, so I'll start with you, " he said pointing the gun at Kristoff's head.

" No! " Anna yelled out, putting her hands up.

The man spun around and pointed the gun at Anna, " I'm Anna, " she said.

" Good, come with me, " he said, turning around and walking away.

Anna was pulled onto her feet and pushed in the same direction as the man.

We watched as they disappeared. Soon after they were gone we were brought back to our cell.

We had nothing to do but sit and wonder what was happening to Anna?


I don't know how long I sat in the alleyway, but it felt like forever.

Every time I would talk myself into getting up and leaving, my legs would refuse to move.

It was like I was so emotionally hurt that it hurt physically too.

I just couldn't stop remembering my Father's screams for help as he slowly died. It was like a soundtrack playing over and over in my head.

My eyes were tearing up, but I refused to cry, I wanted to be strong for him.

I leaned up against a dumpster and held my knees against my chest.

I put my head back and looked at the sky between the buildings which was slowly getting darker.

I knew I had to find Anna, but my knees felt weak at just the thought of standing.

Knowing Jack lied to me, hurt way more than I ever thought it would.

I was just about to start sulking again, when I heard a noise down the alley.

I slowly peered from behind the dumpster to the direction I heard the noise. But nothing was insight. 

I ignored it, but couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

Then I heard another noise, like the sound of metal scraping together but this time from the opposite side of the alley. 

I started getting a little bit nervous, since this was the only sounds I heard within hours of being here.

I managed to crouch without making any noise and got into a defence mode just in case. 

Then I heard a sickening laugh that sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly more and more noises came from each side of the alley, making me realize I was trapped. They slowly got louder and louder, letting me know they were getting closer. 

I searched the ground to find some sort of weapon, when I heard a familiar voice. 

" Nice to see you again, Elsa. "

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