Chapter 53 : A Shiny Metal Revolver

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We were walking down the same hallway that we had left Elsa and Jack in, just hoping to find some sort of clue as to where they went to. Then all of a sudden we heard screaming and someone yell " Let me go! " from down the corridor.

We quickly ducked into a side hallway and waited for whoever was down the hall to get closer.

I quickly recognized the voice to be Anna's as the footsteps and shrieks approached. I looked to the rest of the group and I could tell they knew it was Anna as well. 

I wasn't sure what I was gonna do but everyone else looked like they had a plan. Astrid and Kristoff traded places with me and I stayed at the back of the group with Hiccup. 

Merida held up her hand and slowly bent down her fingers signaling a countdown. At the exact moment her last finger made a fist Kristoff and Flynn jumped into the hallway surprising whoever was holding Anna hostage. 

I was shocked as I realized it was Hans who had Anna over his shoulder, and he was with Elsa's dad and a strange woman.

Flynn and Kristoff took care of Hans as the rest of us formed a wall between William and the woman. I turned around to see Hans on the floor being held down by Flynn, as Kristoff was checking to see if Anna was okay.

" Are you sure you're not hurt? " Kristoff asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.

" I'm fine, but we can't just sit around here Elsa and Jack are in danger! " Anna replied.

The rest of the group turned to face Anna, we made the foolish decision of leaving our backs turned to William because when we looked behind us, they were gone. But we didn't pay much attention, we were more concerned about Elsa and Jack.

" Okay, where are they? " I asked Anna. 

She pointed down the hallway, " This way! " she said as she started walking forward.

" Wait! " Flynn called, " What about him? " he asked gesturing to Hans.

" Leave him, he's not worth it, " I said as I reached out my hand to help Flynn to his feet. 

He nodded in agreement and took my hand. 

We followed Anna at a fast jog, we had to get there before it was too late!


My head hurt and it felt like the room was spinning even though my eyes were not open. I could hear someone sobbing uncontrollably and I begged my memory to fill me in on what had happened. All I could remember was Pitch walking in circles around Elsa and I and then everything went black.

My eyes started to open and I was extremely confused as to what was happening. I saw Pitch standing above me and holding Elsa just inches away from him. Then something shined into my eye momentarily blinding me. 

I looked again and saw  Pitch slowly pulling out a shiny metal revolver from under his cloak. I could hear the joy in his voice as he said, " This is for you Iduna, my love. "

He pulled the gun all the way out and placed it underneath Elsa's head, cocking it as the barrel pressed against her bottom jaw.

My heart rate rose 40 beats per minute as my slow brain finally caught on to what was happening. 

" NO! " I yelled as thrust my hand into Pitch's elbow.

A second after I hit him, the sound of the gun echoed throughout the room.

The sound blasted through my ears and I had tried to place my palms over them as soon as the gun went off, but it was still incredibly loud. As soon as my head stopped spinning I pushed Pitch with as much force as I could. He stumbled back, dropping the gun, but did not lose his balance. 

I could see the shock on his face and knew he was trying to process what had just happened. I used that to my advantage as I charged at him again. He quickly snapped out of it and stood in a defense pose ready to fight back.

We became locked in battle until I gave him a swift kick that he didn't see coming and he fell to the floor. I quickly searched the ground for his gun, but when I looked back at him I saw he already had it and was pointing it at me. 

The gun went off for a second time and I dived to the ground, hoping that the bullet would miss me. I hit the floor hard, but didn't feel the pain of a gun shot. I looked up at Pitch, he was smiling but I could see surprise in his eyes. I looked to where his eyes were locked on behind me and felt the same surprise. 

Rapunzel and Flynn must have rescued Anna and found the rest of the gang. They were standing in the doorway completely still. But all of their eyes weren't on Pitch, but on Astrid, who was clutching the middle of her chest. She started to fall over but Hiccup caught her and they fell to the ground together. 

Pitch started to laugh and had the biggest smile I had ever seen, " How convenient. I was going to have to kill all of you and now I have one less. "

The rest of the group dived behind a couch and pulled Astrid and Hiccup out of Pitch's sight just as the gun went off a third and fourth time, one after another.

Pitch turned the gun towards me and I barely had enough time to move out of the way before the gun shot again.

From across the room I saw Elsa slowly shifting on the ground. Pitch's attention turned to her and I took that moment to charge towards Pitch. He quickly whipped back around and pointed the gun in my direction. I dropped to the ground and slide into his legs just as the gun sounded for the sixth time.

I knocked him over and immediately went to Elsa. I wasn't worried about Pitch, I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

But as soon as I got to her I felt a cold metal circle being placed at the back of my head. Elsa looked up at me with fear in her eyes as her bottom lip trembled.

" It's gonna be alright, " I said as she closed her eyes and turned her head away.  

I waited for what was about to come next. What was only a few seconds felt like an eternity and then, it happened.

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