
69 3 7

we opened the box to see a head.

"what the...", says sou

I run over to gin and Kanna to cover their eyes

"this is the most odd thing I've ever seen!!", professor mishima says to nao

"I know professor.."

everybody is looking at the strange head in the box

it looks like a girls head.

its eyes are closed and it has long brown hair.

Keiji and I make eye contact while I'm still covering the kids eyes

everybody looks scared except qtaro who just looks confused.

Reko looks closer at the box.

"what the fuck?!? there is a note guys!!", says reko

Keiji picks up the note and reads it aloud

"find my body"

"so I guess we just have to find the other parts of the doll..?", I say while turning to keiji

I can feel kais eyes on me as Im talking to keiji

well his bruised eyes.

Keiji did too much it wasn't like him.

even If Ive only known him for a little bit I didn't know he could be that aggressive with someone he hates.

"how about if we split up into groups?", says Keiji while still looking at me

the groups are set

mishima nao and reko

gin Sara and joe

Keiji me and sou

qtaro and kanna

and Kai I guess will just be by himself for now?

"lets go miss y/n we will definitely find these parts!!", says sou while grabbing my wrist

"not so fast sou we have to look everywhere first.."

I begin looking with sou and keiji

we look everywhere around the facility.

we walk into the bar and aren't able to find anything

we look in the blue room and Kai is there.

Sara and Joe are there too

a bunch of chairs are still there

there are even dummies in some of them.

I begin sitting in the one I was in when I was passed out talking to Keiji.

my leg starts bouncing while looking at everybody examine the room and searching for the parts.

Keiji walks up to me in the chair and kneels down

"y/n are you okay..."

"no.. I don't like Kai being in here.."

"it'll be fine I promise.."

"okay.. please don't get into another fight with him.."

"I'll try my best.. hang tight..", Keiji says to me while putting his hand on my shoulder and then walking away from me in the chair.

I'm still sitting down and about to stand up when Sara comes up to me

"hey y/n!!"

"hey Sara!!"

Sara smiles at me and she starts to whisper something

"I found these bullets but I don't know what to do with them.."



"if I were you I would hide them..", I said

"okay y/n that's super smart"

I get up and Sara stuffs the bullets into the chair I was sitting in.

"also Sara.. where is gin?"

"he was having a deep conversation with mishima and he didnt want to come in the room!!", laughed Sara.

She walks away and I go to see what sou is looking at

"hey sou.."

"hey miss y/n.. look at this painting"

its a painting of a man in a hat with a cigar

"isn't it pretty strange??", says sou

"it really is..call me if you need me sou I need to talk to Keiji really quick!!"

"of course!! wouldn't want to keep him waiting"

I'm happy sou is so understandable

but through this whole time I've been here I've just felt kais eyes on me the entire time.

I find keiji


"Keiji turns around from talking to Joe and Joe walks away to find Sara

"what happened y/n?"

I get a little closer to him

"I feel.. paranoid.."

"what is it?"

keiji leans down so he can hear me better

"I feel like Kai is watching me.. I don't know what to do.."

"we can leave if you want we can look at another room.."


Keiji gets sou and we are about to leave until the doors are shut and wont open

"what the.."

I turn around and see kai with a gun.


sorry I haven't posted in so long guys!! this chap is unedited btw

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