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I turn to glance over at Keiji once Sue Miley starts our "fun walk" over to the pink room.

Keiji hand motions for me to go to the back of the line with him.

I walk over scardley, trying not to make it obvious that I'm clearly nervous

right as I make it to keiji, I try my hardest not to have a panic attack right then and there.

maybe this is all a silly joke?

maybe this is just like a social experiment right!!

there's no way they would make us vote for eachother like this..

I'm going to try to keep my cool for the benefit of everybody else here.

I tried to say "are you nervous?" to Keiji, but instead the words"Keiji I'm scared.." came out of my mouth.

"Keiji I'm scared."

"Don't be scared y/n.. it will all be over soon I promise", says Keiji reassuringly

He looks a little more stressed than he usually is 

with everybody always looking up to him and seeing him as a leader type must be exhausting for him.

I mean he is always stressed.. he tries to hide it but I can see right through him

his eye bags even seem heavier than usual.

"you always say that though Keiji!! you always say everything is going to be fine and everything will work out nice in the end when it wont!!", I say frustrated

"hey.. calm down y/n.."

"I don't want to be here. I want to go home..."

"trust me nobody here wanted to be kidnapped y/n.. but we all need to fight through this. the police will find us of course."

"but what if they don't?? what If it never happens Keiji???"

Keiji Pov: (hallucinations are bold)

we all begin walking to the pink room, where Miley is leading us.

I motion for y/n to come to the back of the line with me while on our walk to the pink room.

its not a far walk at all... but I just need someone to talk to.. I need to talk to her.

"I cant do this alone y/n.."

"I'm here for you Keiji..but what are you talking about? your a police officer after all"

YOUR. a police officer?!

this thought.. this thought never leaves my mind.. ever since the accident... I'm a police officer?!? I'm not. I'm nothing. at all. ex detective. ex police officer

I don't want to tell anybody anything about my past.. they would never trust me.. I cant even tell y/n.. she would despise me for not being truthful.

They already don't trust you keiji...after all you did kill someone

"Keiji I'm scared."

once y/n said that, all the negative thoughts I was thinking about myself magically disappeared. I need to stop being so selfish. I think about myself too often.

Then why were you even a police officer? If you're so selfish, why would you want to help people?

"don't be scared.. it will all be over soon I promise", I say

"you always say that though!! you always say its going to be fine but it never really is.", says y/n angrily

see Keiji.. now your closest ally is even getting mad at you!!

"hey.. calm down y/n.."

"I don't want to be here..."

"trust me nobody here wanted to be kidnapped but we all need to fight through this. the police will find us of course."

"they wont help you Keiji... you need to help everybody here.. nobody is coming to save you.."

"but what if they don't?? what If it never happens Keiji???"

"we will find a way..."

I look at y/n, now she has tears in her eyes. shes not fully crying, just tearing up

"don't cry...", I try to wipe away her tears but her hand swats mine away

sorry Keiji.. I need some time alone...

wow Keiji!!

you always find a way to fuck up!!

"y/n.. what did I do wrong..."

she just ignores me and walks away back to her original spot in line

nobody trusts you. nobody trusts you. y/n hates you. she doesn't like you. she doesn't believe in you.

my head starts pounding with all of these thoughts in my mind which just wouldn't go away. but were the thoughts really wrong? I always do find a way to mess everything up. I just got into an argument with my closest ally and even friend y/n. all because she doesn't trust me enough.

I just wanted to help... I want to escape.. I want all of us to escape..

you want EVERYBODY. to escape right Keiji? you already sabotaged that hope. you murderer.

I just need to stay strong. I cant look weak in front of anybody

you wanted everybody to escape? did you not want megumi to escape? does that name ring a bell keiji? megumi?

my knees are about to give out. my mind is a hazard zone. I cant think anything without my thoughts turning into negative ones.

but the thing I am most worried about is y/n.

its not like her at all to act like that...

my thoughts drift away as I hear Miley's dreadful voice.

"were finally here!!"

we follow Miley into the pink room. 

the walls are all pink. except the floor obviously. the floor is a pale tan color and in the room there is a big heart shaped vent. there are also purple bunny stuffed animals which are pretty hard to miss.

"everyone stand near the wall!", exclaims miley

I pick a side of the wall to stand by, and I am next to Joe and nao.

"here are some tablets for you guys.."

"what do we do with these miss miley?", asks sou

"vote for whoever you'd like you can vote someone ya love, ya hate, you can vote at random,you can even vote yourself!! its all valid ways to vote!! 

just as Miley suggested, I closed my eyes and clicked on somebody on the tablet.

I don't know why I was agreeing with her method, or even doing something she suggested, but it just felt like the safest option.

I opened my eyes to see my vote was directed to sou.


I feel like the worst person in the world.

but once again.. we don't know what happens to whoever receives the most amount of votes.

I hope nothing happens to sou.

"anddd the person with the most votes issss!"


hey everybody!! I finally updated. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time.. I have been super busy and I had some intense writers block lolll. I will definitely be trying to write some more but I have soo much test and assignments since I'm graduating this yearrrr (graduating 8 grade I'm not that old LMFAOO) 

but I hope you all liked my chapter!! its the longest one yet 1072 words! hagd!!

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