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Kai pauses and I turn to look at Keiji one last time before closing my eyes.


right as he says one the bullet comes flying out of the gun

my eyes are still closed but I can hear the sound of it flying out.

did I..die?

I opened my eyes surprisingly to see me still alive.

it must have been a dummy bullet.

but I don't see Kai standing in front of me with the gun.

Keiji was standing in front of me.

as if he was shielding me almost.

I watch the dummy bullet fall after hitting his chest.

"what the hell..?", says Kai trying to mess with the gun

I see sou laughing in the corner

Keiji turns around to face me

"are you okay?", says Keiji worryingly

"why would you take a bullet for me?", I say at keiji

"because I'm a policeman that's my job.."


something suspicious is going on

Keiji Pov:

as soon as I heard the sound of the gun reloading, my instinct automatically told me to cover y/n.

honestly my police instinct is to protect people, but I haven't ever had an instinct like this one before.

this was almost urgent, as if my body had no surrender or control of me and my instinct just was instant.

I know I only met her a few days ago but..


"so will ya finally let us out Kai that your dumb idea failed?", says joe looking up from Sara at kai


Kai opens the door and we all leave except Kai for some reason.

I can tell and I have some sort of idea why y/n would be upset with me or mad at me.

I don't want her to be mad at me.

as we are walking to the facility I pull y/n aside

"did I do anything to make you angry back there? I'm sorry if I upset you..", I say while looking at her

"no... just don't scare me like that again Keiji..."

"I won't do anything like that again.. I'm sorry y/n..."

"you could have died!!",  says y/n frantically while pacing around the hallway.

"I know.. calm down.."

I put one of my hands on her shoulder and she begins to calm down until I heard a loud voice yelling

"GUYS I FOUND THE LAST PART OF THE DOLL THING!! WOOF!", yells gin from the facility

"I guess we should go now.."

y/n and I walk to the facility where we see all the others.

gin is holding the dolls right arm.

"gin how are you not scared while holding that??", says Nao curiously 

"my mom always taught me to be fearless meow!"

these poor kids. 

why would they ever trap kids in this hell place.

gin is only about 12 and Kanna is only 14..

I'll find out who kidnapped us somehow.

"lemme see that gin!", says qtaro

q taro takes the dolls right arms and connects it with the head, other arm, torso, and legs.

it looks like.. a girl?

once all the parts connect together it starts to move..

"WHAT THE HELL?!?", yells joe

The doll is standing while looking at us.

she has long brown hair and an odd outfit on.

she has a red eye and a yellow eye and she is wearing somewhat of a melted crown.

"who are you?!?", says professor mishima while examining the doll

I never thought the doll was going to speak but it surprisingly did.

"my name is Sue Miley!, the laughing doll"

"what now?!?", yells reko

"I will be your floor master!!"


I haven't wrote in such a long time I'm sooo sorry. I had a show and I also have a bunch of tests I have to study for! have a great day remember to vote! not edited btw

Charmer- Keiji Shinogi x reader,  a yttd fangame 🍀Where stories live. Discover now