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I open my eyes to see darkness.

What happened..

Why the hell am i here???

I try to move but i cant.

i look to my wrist and see rope around it.

i am tied up.

My arms, legs, and neck..

I can barely see anything because the room is pitch black.


"Is anybody there!!!", i yell.

"Im here y/n..."

The voice was Kai.

He started laughing.

Why are we here together.

"Kai what the hell is this untie me!!!"

"Kai i know you did this!!", i shout.

I cant see him but i hear his footsteps getting louder and louder which every step he takes towards me.

"Kai please... i'm sorry for rejecting you..."

"You should be. I'm not gonna untie you y/n...", laughs Kai.


I start to tear up.

"Kai i'm so sorry..."

He reaches a hand out to my face and dries my tears away.

"I don't know what will happen if i untie you...", said Kai soothingly.

"Why are you so calm?!?", i say

"I know this was you."

"I didn't do this..", said Kai

Just about as he was going to say something else we hear a loud buzzer come over something like an intercom...

"First trial rule explanation now beginning."

What is this.

Maybe it wasn't Kai who tied me up after all...

I keep thinking until my thoughts get interrupted by the loudspeaker again.

"First trial: Kai Satou has 3 minutes to untie y/n l/n. if Kai Satou is unable to untie in time, both will expire!"

What the hell..

What does the intercom mean by... expire..

"What does expire mean...", i yell at kai, completely panicking.

"It means we both die.."

"Well what the fuck are you doing untie me!", i shout at Kai.

"First trial begin!"

Kai begins to untie the ropes from my body. I now can get a look around the room and it is just as i pictured it.



Just me and Kai.

"I hope you know i'm only doing this because my life is at risk too..", said Kai

"Oh really?, then why did you say you loved me."

Kai starts blushing.

"i'm honestly so mad at you right now why are you blushing in this situation we could die!!", i shout

"1 minute remaining!!"

Kai finishes untying the last rope on my left ankle and i finally break free from the table i was tied onto.

"Challenge complete."

I let out a huge sigh

That was so scary.

I could have.. died.

I'm just happy kai came to his senses..

I want to get out of this place.. maybe this is all a bad dream.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and they close.

Then i passed out.

hey guys!!! thank you for reading chapter three! i'm hoping to continue this story and i will post a new chapter daily! don't forget to vote!! it will help out a bunch!! have a great day!

Charmer- Keiji Shinogi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now