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we turn around to see Kai with a gun.

sous eyes line up and he puts his hands up

Keiji puts his arm Infront of me protectively and moves forward to kai

"Kai. drop the gun right now."

"and what is I don't?", Kai says while smiling and getting closer to keiji

"I'm a policeman I know how to handle guns."

Keiji stops.

it looks as if he saw a ghost.

he freezes up and is unable to get words out of his mouth

"cat got your tongue Keiji?", says kai

Sara and Joe come forward, aware of the situation and they stand next to sou

"Keiji..", I say concerningly

Keiji comes back to reality

I have no idea what happened that made him go blank.

Keiji pov:

"and  what if I don't?"

"I'm a policeman I know how to handle guns."

the moment those words slipped out of my mouth I knew I regretted it.

I started zoning out as if life just wasn't real anymore.

my vision turned blurry and i started hearing voices.

"you know how to handle guns Keiji?"

"of course he knows how to handle guns!!"

"after all he did shoot somebody before!!"

"it wasn't an accident."

"right Keiji?"

"right Keiji?"

"right Keiji."

all of the sudden my mind came back.


"I turned to y/n and then back at Kai to face him."

sou steps forward.

"Kai please put the gun down..", sou says worridley

"should I..."

Kai paces around

"should I put it down or should I shoot it!", Kai smiles

he turns to face y/n 

"if I decide to kill any of you people y/n will be dead first..."

I stand Infront of her.

"touch y/n or anyone else here and it'll be your turn to die."

"hmm I'll think about it Mr policeman."

Sara starts laughing

"you wont be killing anyone Kai. your so stupid you don't even know how to shoot a gun.", says Sara while laughing.

"oh yeah? wanna be my test run to see if I know how to shoot it?"


Sara steps forward

y/n pov

I keep quiet because I know Sara isnt going to die.

there arent any bullets in the gun because Sara and I hid them

"SARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!", yells Joe freaking out

"ill be find Joe trust me."

this is gonna be very funny to watch.

"Kai if your gonna test it on Sara might as well test it on me too!"

as I start to walk up keiji grabs my wrist and looks down at me

"what are you doing???"

"just watch Keiji."

I walk up to kai while feeling keijis eyes still looking at me

"y/n and sara comeback its not worth it..", says sou

"this is totally worth it sou!!"

sou covers his eyes

"saras up first!!"

he points the gun at her 

"Sara if you don't get back here right now.", says joe

I've never seen joe this angry

"Joe trust me."

he starts to cry.

while the gun is pointed at Sara he pulls the trigger

and out comes a dummy bullet

sara starts laughing at him

"I told you your dumb plan wouldn't work kai."


Sara goes back to crying Joe and Joe instantly hugs and cries into her chest.

"y/ns turn!!"

Keiji steps forward once again.

"I'm not letting you do that Kai. you don't have full control of this simulation we are in so I don't know what you are doing."

"watch what you wish for policeman your life can vanish just like this."

Kai snaps his fingers.

"fire the gun at y/n and your dead"

he points it at me.

with a deep shaky breath I close my eyes while I feel hands on my shoulders protectively

I don't even care who it is anymore

what if there still is bullets in there that aren't dummy bullets..



yayyy hey guys I finally updated!! I'm gonna try to upload more this week I've been behind bc of my show this week but I promise I will try to write more often! hope you guys liked this chapter don't forget to vote!! not edited btw

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