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"what the fuck did you just do to her?"

Keiji stormed into the room almost slamming the door on nao 

"I slapped her why? are you stupid.", said kai

Keiji took more steps closer to Kai and I 

was it just keijis reflex to do that? maybe its just because he's a policeman

"look I don't know why you were eavesdropping on y/n-"

"I told him to come here with me"

Kai looks shocked

"why would you ask him that... i'm clearly just intimidating him by being here", he laughed

"your not imitating me Kai.", Keiji says angrily while death staring kai

"answer my question Keiji..why did you come here with her?", says Kai while looking up at Keiji and laughing

"maybe because she shouldn't have to deal with a bitch like you alone..", says keiji

"whatever.. let me go policeman.", says Kai 

keijis grip on kais apron became tighter.

Keiji looked pissed.

"not until y/n gets a proper apology."

"and if I don't apologize?"

"you don't apologize you get my fist to your face."

why is Keiji so mad? Kai wasn't even arguing with him in the first place he was arguing with me...

"keiji you don't have to do that its okay.."

"no I have to... Kai needs to learn his lesson."

"oh whatever."

Keiji loses it.

his fist clenches up and he punches Kai in the nose.

Kai holds his nose while kneeling on the ground as it begins to bleed.

the pain from when Kai slapped me is really starting to kick in also.

I didn't think the slap was that serious but now I do.

it hurts really bad.

I put my palm to my face and Keiji notices.

"y/n I'm sorry you shouldn't be witnessing all of this."

"its fine Keiji"

I look back at the door and I see nao still watching

I also see 2 other people

I look a little closer and I see its nao and now Reko and sou watching

Reko gives me a smile

"beat his ass again Keiji!!"

I know shes gonna be happy when I tell her every detail of what happened.

"y/n your hair looks so good today!", says Kai still weak on the ground

why does his moods change so quick.

"don't fall for it y/n this man just has nobody to love anymore. not even himself."

Keiji gives Kai one last death stare

"cmon lets go look at where he hit you.. I see a bruise..", says keiji while examining it

"okay.. I'm sorry"

"nothing is your fault"

we both walk out of the room together 

"I'll knock you out someday satou!!" 

we walk out the door and we see Reko nao sou and even qtaro was watching too

"miss y/n are you okay?", says sou concerned

"Keiji you totally beat his ass!!", laughed reko

"miss y/n your bruise will heal up eventually..", says sou

"thanks sou.."

"I'm so done with Kai.. he's getting on all of our nerves.", says qtaro

"I agree..", says nao

"everyone  I'm gonna go look at y/ns bruise I'll see you all in a bit?", says Keiji while scratching the back of his neck

"okay!!", says nao

"guys canya all meet at the facility in about half an hour?", I gotta show you guys something, says qtaro

"sounds good", says reko

everybody leaves and Keiji starts to look at my bruise.

"It doesn't seem too bad.. should go away in a few days or two", says keiji


we begin talking and soon as I know it half an hour passed by

"guysss!", yells qtaro

"can we talk later about Kai more y/n?"

"yeah sure"

we both walked to the facility to see qtaro with a box wide eyed.

apparently they already opened it because Keiji and I were late.

"why does everybody look so frightened.."

"look in the box..", said mishima

I look into the box and I see hair

I turn it over to see a head.


hey guysss this isnt edited yet I'm really tired tho wish me luck on my English test tmmrrr!! ont forget to vote!! 

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