Chapter seven

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                   ~Verena's pov~
Carl had given me a book to read when I complained I was dying of boredom,he was the best friend I could ask for,he was a sucker for romance novels he gave me one of his favorite book to read the cover looked intriguing and he promised to get me more if I finished this one.
    I went to my bedroom and started reading it,The book was Devilish Affection,it made me wonder if I would ever fall in love not being forced by some psycho to get married to him when I have no idea who he is or wait maybe I do a guy who kills for pleasure,a monster that's not trusted, I rolled my eyes just thinking about him,he irritated me so much.
    I fell asleep after finishing the book it was a really nice book it had lots of smuts, I understood why it was Carl's favorite.
What's with this I said to myself,everywhere was black and I had the biggest regret of falling asleep it was my mum she was in a car with my Dad and I,she was making the car lively with her road trip not knowing it will be her last ,the brakes weren't working we ended up crashing we managed to crawl out of the damaged vehicle thinking my mum was with us I turned back to see her lifeless on the floor and blood spilling from her mouth my Dad held her and broke into tears, Too shocked to move I knelt down beside her processing what just happened afterwards my dad refused to set his eyes on me until one day I hugged him and he pushed me away saying Don't you ever touch me it was all your fault my wife is dead you succeeded in killing her you cursed child.
  His words stung so bad and he started beating me, I woke up from the nightmare and started crying blaming myself for my mum's death, I cried my eyes out, I heard loud knocks on the door, What's with all those noise I'm trying to sleep so shut your trap André said,Leave me alone you jerk I stood up and opened the door and said oh I'm so sorry for waking up the most fearsome monster and I rolled my eyes he walked in held my waist and pinned me to the wall saying look princess this ain't your Father's palace so watch your tongue before I rip it out,you smell like a drunk I said not taking his threat seriously.
  Well I am one baby he said then he kissed and he sucked a part of my neck it made me have a feeling I haven't felt I pushed him away and closed my door afraid to sleep for fear of having the same dream, I stayed up late.
   I went downstairs to get some water but he was there I tried not making my presence known to him took the water from the fridge and ran upstairs.

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