y/n and silver wolf shorts #1

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Author: Since I won't be releasing any chapters soon till 12 march due to the exam ,I decided to compose a short chapter skit as a replacement for chapters. Enjoy!

(Stellaron hunter base)

As the morning sun streamed through the Stellaron Hunter Base's windows, its gentle rays brightened the corridors, putting a warm glow on the walls and floors. Silver Wolf awoke in this peaceful haven of the day with an extraordinary determination.

Silver Wolf rose earlier than unusual, determined to seize the day. Each step she took echoed gently in the corridor, a cadence of purpose and determination leading her to the restroom. There, amidst the quiet hum of the base's machinery, she began her morning routine, ingrained by Y/n's continuous persistent.

After completing her morning routine, Silver Wolf made her way to the living room, greeted by the sight of Kafka bustling about in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, and Blade calmly meditating in his usual spot. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the gentle hum of the base's machinery.

Kafka: Good morning, Silvey. It's unusual to see you up before Y/n.

Silver Wolf: Well, we do have a task to attend to, after all. Speaking of which...

Silver Wolf scanned the living room, her eyes darting around in search of Y/n, but he was nowhere to be found.

Silver wolf:Where is Y/n? He's ually more of a morning person than I am. Ever since he was appointed as my partner, he's never woken up late once.

Kafka: Y/n might be in his room catching up on sleep. Waking up early every day is tough. Plus, yesterday's task was exhausting,don't you agree?

As Kafka continued to bustle about the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast began to fill the air. Silver Wolf watched her work, her mind still preoccupied with the absence of Y/n. She knew he must have been exhausted from yesterday's task, and the idea of him catching up on sleep in his room seemed plausible.

As Kafka focused on cooking, she noticed Silver Wolf's concerned expression. Sensing her unease, she turned to her with a gentle smile.

Kafka:Silvey, could you help wake him up gently? If he's still asleep, don't disturb him. And could you also wake up Firefly if you pass by her room? Thanks, sweetie.

Silver Wolf nodded in response, her mind already racing with thoughts about Y/n's well-being. With a reassuring smile, she left the kitchen and headed towards Y/n's room, determined to wake him up gently.

As Silver Wolf made her way through the corridor, her footsteps echoing softly against the walls of the base, she felt a sense of determination coursing through her. Approaching Y/n's door, she paused for a moment to gather her thoughts before knocking gently. Each tap of her knuckles against the wooden surface carried a silent plea, hoping to rouse Y/n from his slumber without startling him.

Silver Wolf: Y/n, are you in there? It's already early in the morning. Are you feeling alright today?

Despite her repeated knocks, there was no response from inside Y/n's room. Silver Wolf furrowed her brow in concern, wondering if Y/n was indeed alright.

Silver Wolf hesitated outside Y/n's door, feeling a mixture of concern and guilt gnawing at her. She knew she shouldn't barge into his room uninvited, but her worry for his well-being outweighed her sense of propriety.

Silver wolf: Pardon my intrusion,But I'm going to barge into your room without your permission.

she murmured to herself, steeling her resolve.

As she pushed the door open, Silver Wolf notice and saw Y/n sleeping soundly on his study table, surrounded by a chaotic pile of books and papers. The morning light filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on his peaceful face, his breathing steady and even.

In the end it is all a game ( silver wolf X reader)Where stories live. Discover now