Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders

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(left off from chapter 10)

As the Astral Express made their way out of the department, their eyes fell upon Gepard, who stood patiently outside, his presence a reassuring beacon amidst the uncertainty swirling within the fortress. With a nod of acknowledgment, he greeted them, his expression a mix of solemnity and determination

Gerard:Welcome back,I trust your meeting with the supreme guardian went well?

Stelle exchanged a glance with Danheng and March 7 before responding.

Stelle:It went... interestingly. We've been granted permission to stay the night and continue our discussions tomorrow

Gepard: I know I received words from the supreme guardian that your movement is no longer restricted,she must look at you guys with high regard.

Stelle's gaze wandered to the imposing structure of the fortress, her mind drifting momentarily from the gravity of their mission. With a playful tilt of her head, she couldn't resist a sly comment

Stelle: You know,despite her formidable presence, the supreme guardian certainly carries herself with a certain... Elegant

March 7 nodded in agreement and solidarity, acknowledging stelle words with a warm smile.

March 7: She's the big shot! Definitely got that queen of the castle vibe going on. Aww, so cool.

Gepard chuckled at March 7's enthusiastic response, appreciating her lighthearted commentary.

Gepard:Indeed,Madam Cocolia carries herself with undeniable authority

With a respectful nod, Gepard glanced at his timepiece, a reminder of his duties awaiting him.

Gepard: I'm afraid I still have duties to attend to,I must return to my post. I hope you enjoy your stay in Belobog.

Before Gepard could make his departure, March 7 halted him with an eager inquiry

March 7: Wait! Can you recommend some sights? It's not that late, and we want to take a look around

Gepard: Well,I'd say that the Golden Theater and the History Museum are both worth a look. However, you'd need a pass to get into the museum

As he turned his back around about to depart, Gepard added.

Gepard: I recommend you visit Everwinter Monument first-it's Belobog's most symbolic landmark. And if you enjoy music, you could head to Neverwinter Workshop. You can sometimes catch an outdoor performance there. The artist is... sigh You'll see.

He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face

Gepard: Oh, and if you're staying at Goethe Hotel, please avoid the alley that runs next to it-the one with Silvermane Guards stationed there. It started to be affected by corrosion recently, so it's been sealed off.

Danheng: So the corrosion is inside the city... that's a grave situation.

Gepard:Yes, we're mounting a resistance as we speak. I must leave now, I hope all goes well for you.

With that, Gepard bid his final farewell and left the astral express to navigate the city on their own.

After Gepard departed, a silence fell over the trio as they exchanged glances, contemplating their next move.

March 7 broke the silence with a cough

March 7: *cough*" So, shall we take a  stroll around the city to see what's interesting before we call it a day?

Stelle: There's actually a peculiar statue that caught my eye earlier, right in front of the department. Do you guys mind accompanying me there?

Dan Heng nodded in agreement with Stelle's suggestion.

In the end it is all a game ( silver wolf X reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن