chapter 6: y/n origin part 2

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In the midst of Serval's attempt to convey something to Y/n, an abrupt clap echoed through the field, drawing their attention. Turning toward the sound, they noticed a blonde girl surrounded with guards  stepping forward towards them.

???: (clapping) My, my, my! Wasn't that an amazing display match I've ever witnessed, especially that last moment when you dissected the enormous flame in half. I must say, your talent is quite impressive.

Onlooker1: hey isn't that?

Onlooker2:yeah, it's the second year student,cocolia rand and the next in line supreme guardian, what does she want with a peasant?

Onlooker2:yeah, it's the second year student,cocolia rand and the next in line supreme guardian, what does she want with a peasant?

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Cocolia: the name is cocolia rand , can I get your name?

Y/n: it's y/n l/n.

Cocolia: y/n l/n well that's an interesting name isn't it I will keep that in mind,for now do you have time to chat a little bit ?

Y/n raised an eyebrow at Cocolia's unexpected request, exchanging a puzzled glance with Serval.

Y/n: yup , I have time to chat a little what do you need?

Cocolia:Your talent is unique, intriguing even for a talentless person. Rumors have it that you aced the entry exam with 100%. I sought you out myself because I sense potential in you. How about joining the Silvermane Corps?

As y/n heard the offer his heart skip a little to the proposal

Y/n: I'd like to, but as a student, won't it be too soon for me to join the Silvermane corpse?

Cocolia chuckled at Y/n's concern.

Cocolia: Oh, you've misunderstood, Y/n. Joining the Silvermane Corps isn't an immediate step. However, one way to expedite your entry into the corps is to become the president of the student council.

Y/n: That's an unexpected route. How does being the president facilitate joining the corps?

Cocolia:joining the student council could pave the way for the Silvermane Corps to notice your potential. It's not a direct entry but a significant step towards it. Besides, being part of the council itself has its advantages in honing your leadership skills , which can aid your potential role in the corps, essentially,I'm the current president of the student council and I assure you nothing bad happen to you on my watch.

Serval: Hey, can i steal y/n for a sec?

Serval gently tugged on y/n's sleeve, drawing him aside for a private conversation. Her voice was hushed but tinged with concern.

Serval: Are you planning to accept the offer?

Y/n: I mean the opportunity is right in front of me it will be a waste to take it right ?

Serval:I get that. But do you really want to dive into something this big without fully understanding what it entails?

Y/n: I appreciate your concern, Serval. How about we gather some information about how things work in the student council first? That way, we'll have  a clearer picture before making any decisions.

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