chapter 9:echos of uncertainty

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(Y/n pov)

(Next day in belobog)

The sun beamed through the crystalline architecture of Eternal Freeze, casting iridescent rays across the glistening corridors. Cocolia, the eminent Supreme Guardian of Belborg, gracefully navigated the passageways, her confident stride matching the rhythm of the busy morning.

In her hands, she carried a neat stack of papers, each sheet a testament to her meticulous attention to detail. The guards stationed outside her office, clad in their distinguished uniforms, snapped to attention as they caught sight of Cocolia approaching.

As Cocolia approached, the two guards snapped into a crisp salute, their movements synchronized as they stood tall before her.

Both guards: good morning your supreme guardian.

Cocolia acknowledged their gesture with a regal nod, a faint smile gracing her lips.

Cocolia: Good morning. Your dedication to the overworld protection is commendable. Let's ensure that the three of us have a great day ahead working together

The guards straightened their posture, visibly honored by her words.

Both guards:Thank you, Supreme Guardian is a honour to get a compliment from you.

Cocolia proceeded toward her office, the opulent doors standing as a testament to the importance of her role. With a steady yet graceful motion, she opened the doors and entered the room

As Cocolia stepped closer to her seat, a subtle shift in the office atmosphere pricked her keen senses. Something was amiss. Her chair, usually positioned to face the door, now sat turned in the opposite direction, facing the expansive window overlooking the Eternal Freeze.

As Cocolia drew closer to the desk, her steps deliberate and measured, a sudden voice cut through the charged silence, catching her off guard.

Y/n's voice, laden with a blend of reminiscence and quiet resolve, echoed in the room, interrupting the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Y/n: It's been six long years since we last crossed paths, Cocolia. Six years since you banished me from Belobog and forced me into the role of a vigilante.

Cocolia's expression tightened at Y/n's unexpected appearance.

Cocolia: How did you manage to breach our defenses and waltz into my office, Y/n? Guards, seize this traitor!

Her commanding tone echoed through the room, but the anticipated rush of guards failed to materialize, leaving Cocolia's orders hanging in the air, unheeded.

Cocolia: This is strange. Why haven't the guards burst through the door?

Y/n's smirk widened slightly as he responded.

Y/n:Because I took care of them after  you entered your office. So that no one will interrupt our conversation  or  eavesdrop it

Cocolia's disbelief was palpable, her voice carrying a note of incredulity as she struggled to comprehend the swift incapacitation of her elite guards.

Cocolia: Impossible! Those were my elite guards. How could they have been neutralized within seconds?

Y/n: Well,Cocolia, after you cast me aside, I dedicated myself to rigorous training in the underground. It was about boosting my stamina and agility. Matter fact even  with my speed draining my energy and leaving me fatigued, I can say I've improved since we last met.

Cocolia: But the underground was sealed and deemed an indesignated area a long time ago. There's no way you could have entered.

Y/n: Well, thanks to an acquaintance of mine, they found me near its secret passage.

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