Falcon of venom and blood.

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Date: April 17th

Mission report: Dead Silence

After the arrival of Eri and Tawasha

Hayameru: (Thoughts) This isn't just some entertaining fight that's become infuriating any longer, this has dragged onto what feels like an assassination attempt. Should I try to regroup with Murasaka? Or just preserve myself? Either way I'm going to have to change how I use my blood art.

Kurisu: I'd prefer if you two left things here to me but I don't want to waste my breath arguing with you both, Tawasha you're our front liner and Eri will help you when she sees fit. I'm in complete support.

Tawasha: Leaving things to me? Pressure is on then!

He sprints forward straight at Hayameru and sheaths his sword during the approach, as he gets within short distance of Hayameru he draws his sword in an instant. The act of drawing it so fast causes the horizontal slash to be more sped up than usual.

Hayameru stands his ground waiting for Tawasha's approach and throws away his broken sword, he guards holding both his hands in front of his face as the veins on his arms pop and the coloration of his arms become a bit darker.

Tawasha's blade makes contact with Hayameru's arms but gets stopped in its tracks just barely slicing through a thin layer of skin, without a second thought Tawasha lets go of his sword and bends down shoving his elbow directly into Hayameru's chest.

Hayameru: Gack!

Tawasha then grabs his falling sword and slashes upwards from underneath Hayameru who just barely dodges by jumping backwards, he continues his pursuit by dashing forwards and raising his sword above his left shoulder before slashing it down. Hayameru counters by attempting to knock the blade away with his left arm but ends up stuck in another clash, he uses his other hand to jab straight at Tawasha who steps inwards towards Hayameru avoiding the punch and striking his stomach with his palm sending him flying back a little.

As Hayameru recovers he notices Eri who somehow got behind him spinning something seemingly attached to her sword's hilt with her left hand, she then throws out a line of nichirin wire with five small clear beads made from gems at Hayameru's neck.

Hayameru: (Thoughts) I've been waiting for them to gang up on me again!

He dodges left and sprints straight behind him towards Eri while leaving Tawasha behind.

Tawasha: (Thoughts) What the hell is going on with me!? I know I should easily be able to catch up with him but it feels like I'm running so much slower now.

As Hayameru reaches Eri he attempts to land a punch directly at her head trying to split her head open but she manages to dodge left out of the way in time by propelling her feet off the ground.

Hayameru: Tch! So even the time I can keep it active is decreased huh?

Eri quickly wraps the wire back around the hilt and uses the ground to propel herself toward Hayameru, she grabs her swords hilt with both her hands and and performs a horizontal slash as she rushes past Hayameru slicing his arm dealing no damage but slicing underneath his arm cutting through his arm pit a bit into his shoulder.

Hayameru: Have they already begun to realize!? Wait! Where's the third one!?

As he was focused on Eri who just slashed him Kurisu suddenly appeared out of his view towards his left.

Kurisu: Heh, who would've thought that I'd be trying to imitate what that kid does, but it's useful and possible if given significant time making use of the eighth form.

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