Two brothers

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Date: April 16th

Mission report: A brave stand.

Mitsuki clashes his blade against Murasaka's staff as the two brothers have finally jumped into the battle.

Murasaka: He got me off guard?! I can't block fully!

Mitsuki: He's strong! I can't even push him back while he's off guard...

Mitsuki jumps back as Kazan holds up four fingers before he jumps away.

Before the raid.

Kazan: It's going to be tricky... but I'll make it work. Though the next thing I have to ask of you guys... You can decline if you wish because it's risky... I need you guys to hold them off for a bit once the wisteria starts to clear, I hope to regain some stamina and hopefully they'll pull a blood demon art out. I'll hopefully be able to figure it out quickly and get an advantage on them.

Kaiyo: Ahh I don-

Mitsuki: We'll do it.

Kaiyo: GAH!


Kaiyo: Four fingers... We have roughly four minutes.

Hayameru: Running and hiding behind kids Kazan? What's your name, both of you guys.?

Mitsuki: My name is Mitsuki Aozora.

Kaiyo: A-and I'm Kaiyo! Kaiyo Odayakana!

Murasaka: OH! Oh... It's YOU Mitsuki! To think such an amazing editor was actually a demon slayer spying on me... How unfortunate... Your writing talent was amazing, change professions will ya? You're still young so y-

Mitsuki: No. The three of us will kill you tonight... Both of you...

Kaiyo: M-Mitsuki?!

Murasaka: Or die trying...

Hayameru: How bold...

Murasaka charges at Kaiyo and swings his staff. Mitsuki quickly blocks it with all his strength.

Mitsuki: This is the strength of an uppermoon... It's powerful!

The ground below Mitsuki cracks as Kaiyo charges forth launching a cascading slash at Murasaka, it knocks him back.

Hayameru: I see... That boy (Mitsuki) is playing defensive while the other boy (Kaiyo) is launching those wind slashes in an attempt to attack.

Mitsuki: Defense isn't my strong suit but it's all we can do!

Hayameru: Murasaka! Take care of those two please! I'll supervise okay?

Murasaka: Bastard, do something will ya?

Hayameru: Don't worry I will, I will.

Mitsuki charges forward and strikes at Murasaka, which he easily blocks with his staff, Mitsuki jumps back as a cascading slash is launched at Murasaka, breaking his guard.

Mitsuki: Mist breathing: Fourth form! Shifting flow slash!

Mitsuki dashes forward quickly in a low stance. His sword slashes against Murasaka's skin but doesn't damage him at all.

Mitsuki: His skin is naturally hard?! My sword couldn't cut him at all!

Murasaka: He's not just playing defense. He's attacking in the brief moment after that wind slash hits. If that's the case...

Murasaka rushes forward to Kaiyo, but Mitsuki jumps in the way blocking the attack.

Kaiyo: Mitsuki!

Mitsuki: Just focus on your attack! I'll die protecting you if I have to!

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