Chapter 26 - Another moment we almost failed

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A final part is here.


All of them enjoyed the trip to the fullest, Vegas even surprised them with a private house on one of the islands and Venice could not be proudest to have such an amazing family. But all of them knew that trouble will arise when they appear back in Thailand with Macau and Chay.

They entered the big house seeing that nothing changed, except for the dust. There was no dust and their laundry they left before the sudden leaving for Spain was done too.

"Oh, mom texted me she came over to see us, but I completely forgot to tell her what happened." Pete hummed when he noticed how Vegas looked around the room carefully. "Macau, Chay.. your room is on the second floor, last door on the left."

"I want you two to come to the living room in two hours." Vegas hummed right when they were about to dissapear on the second floor.

They unpacked and Venice was playing in his room. Vegas and Pete exchanged worried looks, as Kinn tried to call Vegas a few times already.

"It seems that Porsche knows.."

"But there is nothing we can do about it. Chay is an adult and it was his decision and free will. No one forced him." Vegas said with a firm voice as he noticed how Chay and Macau were standing in the door frame.

"Thank you, Vegas." Chay mumbled, keeping his head down low.

Before those two sat down a pregnant silence swallowed the room. Vegas was looking at them and at his phone - constantly buzzing.

"Can you pick it up?" Pete nervously barked at Vegas. "Otherwise they come over in no time and we can prepare guns."

"Don't be too skeptical, Pete." Vegas chuckled and grabbed the phone, typed something down and turned it off. "So, I want to know what happened." He finally looked at Macau and Chay, not accepting any excuses.

It was so hard for Vegas to hear the truth, but at the end he was there to support his little brother.

"You realize that Chay and Porsche need to solve it, otherwise they'll keep bothering you no matter where you go." Pete played the mature parental role in this household and Vegas honestly didn't mind.

"I know, Pete." Chay hummed instead of Macau and nervously bit his lip which made Macau tense.

"What if we plan a dinner, on a neutral ground and you can all have a talk in private if needed?"

The moment Vegas suggested it everyone was surprised. Vegas was always the one trying to solve things with guns and violence, but now it was the kind one.

"You think that they want to talk it out?" Macau nervously asked and fiddled with Chay's fingers.

"I don't know, Mac." Vegas sighed. "That is why we will be there to step out if necessary." He tightly squeezed Pete's hands and smiled. "Do you think your mom would be up to taking care of Venice for a few hours?"

"Venice is coming with us." Pete said with a firm voice nudging his head towards the doors, where he was standing with a cheeky smile on his face.

"There is no way he is coming with us!"

"Oh, there is and Venice is coming. I dont care if you like it or not!" Pete mumbled and Venice hopped into the room. "He is old enough to see what his family is like."

"But they are no family!" Vegas tried to oppose, but the moment he saw the frown on Pete's face he knew that he shouldn't say that!

"I know they are idiots!" Macau managed to shut Venice's ears in time. "But you are sharing the same surname as you are and I dont want Venice to fucking feel left alone as he was with me!" Pete scoffed upsetly. "So he is coming with us and that is my last fucking word. At least you will need to control yourself and you won't shoot them if things don't go the way you want!"

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