Chapter 18 - Back to reality

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Pete woke up so fucking sore, his whole body was in terrible pain and his ass was on fire. He felt how sticky he was and the warmness covering him made him even more uncomfortable.

"Oish.. move please.." Pete pushed Vegas with his elbow a bit further from him, because the body temperature was increasing and Pete couldn't handle it at all. It took him a moment before he realized what actually happened and that they still haven't washed and they are still lying in the bed where the magic happened not so long ago.

"Come on, Vegas. We need to clean up. I don't want my parents to see this." Pete tried to wake Vegas up, but he was sleeping like a log, not moving a single inch.

He just threw his hands in the air and walked to the bathroom. His whole body was hurting and his legs were shaky. Pete was even more shocked when he looked into the mirror, his face had dried tears, messy hair and that massive hickey on his neck altogether with more smaller ones.

Pete splashed cold water all over his face, trying to wake up from the nightmare he was currently having, however it was not working. He grabbed a small bowl of cold water and walked to the room to splash it all over Vegas' head.

"Shia, what now, pa?" Vegas shouted and confusedly looked around the room.

Once he realized that his not father was not around and this is not his home, he felt a slight panic, until he saw a more panicked Pete. It seems that he probably shouted too loud.

Vegas felt the cold water dripping down his face and looked once again at Pete, the panic on his face was exchanged for a mischief. With a slight wink he ran into the bathroom and waited for Vegas to follow him, but nothing like this happened.

Pete had to sneak his head out of the door only to feel how someone grabbed him and gently pushed him on the ground.

"Look who is naughty." Vegas dangerously growled near Pete's ear and let a few droplets of water fall from his hair on Pete's face. "Shall I punish you for this morning too? You know that I don't like pets who don't behave." Vegas chuckled as he saw a sparkle in Pete's eyes and he knew that the game was on.

"I prepared a bath for you, master." Pete hummed quietly, trying not to look at Vegas, but his body shivered every time a drop of water fell on his face. "I was waking you up before, but you were sleeping so soundly."

Vegas was honestly surprised, but he tried to keep a stern face. "I see, but I still should teach you some manners, but not here and now." Vegas slowly stood up and lifted Pete as well. "Lead the way, pet." Vegas whispered and Pete started to walk towards the bathroom where steam was coming from a bathtub and the whole bathroom smelled like lavender.

"Will you join me, Pete?" Vegas almost purred from the warm sensation that swallowed his body.

"So, I am now Pete and not a pet?" Pete chuckled and slowly walked towards the bathtub, dipping his hands into the water, gently touching Vegas' relaxed body. Pete noticed those moon shaped marks on Vegas' shoulders and he gasped for air.

"Did I do that?"

"You did what?"

"Well.. your shoulders.." Pete hummed nervously and let his hands rest on Vegas' chest. As Vegas slowly turned his head to the side with a smirk on his face.

"You should have seen my back. I don't know when or how you did that, but you were amazing." Vegas hummed and started to laugh when Pete pushed him away by the shoulders and almost shouted when he saw deep scratches on his back.

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