Chapter 22 - I need you, Pete.

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A new chapter is here.

I want to apologize for not publishing a new chapter last monday, unfortunately my whole family got sick and I had no energy left after the whole day of taking care of them.

However from now on I have all chapters prepared and saved as drafts. 


Pete was sleeping inside Vegas' car in front of his house. Vegas was too afraid to touch him, it was almost like Pete was the most fragile thing on the earth. Pete was sleeping for two hours already and Vegas felt the need to eat.

"I want pizza, Vegas." Pete hummed and rubbed his eyes, "But I'd prefer to eat it inside, I want to see and read all the letters from Macau."

Vegas had no other chance, so he only nodded and walked towards his home with Pete following him.

"Sit in the living room and order pizza, here is my card. I'll go and grab those letters." Vegas hummed and handed Pete his credit card. Pete looked a bit worried, because he never held a smooth black card in his hands, it was for the very first time and he thought he couldn't handle the responsibility. He held his father's platinum card, but that was all.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pick whatever you want, just make it less spicy for me, please." Vegas managed to shout before disappearing into the basement.

Pete ordered salami pizza and pizza margherita.

Vegas was still not coming back from the basement and Pete started to get worried about him. He slowly stood up, holding his phone tightly and walked towards the basement. As he entered it he noticed how Vegas was standing above three big boxes and was shaking.

"Is everything okay?" Pete quietly asked, even though he was still so angry with him, he cared about him a lot and seeing Vegas in a state like this didn't make his heart rest.

"I fucked up a lot of things, Pete." Vegas started to talk without even facing him. "I fucked up a lot of things and I almost lost you, because of my fucked up mind." Vegas broke down. "I was always useless, I was always a pain in the ass trying to be the best son my father could ever have, the best brother for Macau and yet I did something like this to you and him."

"But you saved my father, Vegas." Pete hummed quietly, not sure if Vegas heard it.

"I did it because I wanted to gain something from it." Vegas admitted.

"You had a chance to let my father be, he would become a fuckboy or a scapegoat, now he is having his own company, helping people in need and that happened because you as a teenager decided to help him out with your own hard earned money. You actually saved me too."

Pete could feel how tears appeared on his face, that warm and salty liquid was rolling down. Pete wanted to take a step towards Vegas, but he could not. He realized that he loves Vegas, but there was a small problem; Vegas never loved himself so Pete believed that he is not capable of loving Pete and he was not sure if he could actually face it or handle it, he had enough disappointment and pain in his life.

"Vegas." Pete hummed and walked slowly towards him, holding him in his hug.

"Learn to love yourself first, it's you who matters, not me, not your father. Your mind must be healthy first and I'll be waiting for you to come to me. You can burn all those letters, it won't change anything." Pete gave him a gentle kiss on the cheeks and left him in the basement.

Praying that this is going to be a good decision.

As Pete walked out of the house, he didn't look back, he kept walking straight.

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