Chapter 2 - A friend?

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New chapter is here.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.

I will try to publish it at least twice a week (Monday and Friday), as the chapters are shorter and the writing goes pretty smoothly.


Those two months flew so damn fast for Pete. It was time for him to travel to Bangkok and he secretly hoped that his father completely forgot about the thing that he said on their way home from family dinner two months ago, but not.

"Are you ready? It is going to be six hours, just you and your parents so we hope that you are looking forward to it."

Pete was not happy about it, but he was not sad either, he just shrugged it off and took a suitcase and a few smaller boxes with him towards the car.

"Do you know that we are going to miss you, right?"

"Oi, mom.. Stop it, we still have six hours together in a car and then you will be there with me the moment I enter the dormitory building and the room itself, so please keep that to yourself for now."

Pete did not want to be rude, but just realizing that he is not going to see his parents for ten months was making him sad and miss them too.

"I know that you will miss us too, I can see it in your eyes." He only lowered his head and put all his belongings into the trunk.

They were not talking too much during the trip, but Pete could see how the sadness was getting bigger and bigger in his mother's eyes. The closer they got to the city the more tear sparkles appeared in her eyes.

Pete unbuckled the seatbelt and hugged mom from behind.

"I will be calling at least three times a week."

There was no response, but only light chuckle from his father.

"Fine, I'll make it four times a week, but everything will depend on how the classes will be."

"You promise?" His mom finally spoke.

"I promise mom."

"Do you also promise to not get drunk, not sleep with every woman you are going to meet and of course no drugs?"

Pete laughed.

"I can promise the second and third, but if I go out with possible friends I might get a little drunk, but nothing major. I can actually promise that." His father laughed.

"I can live with that, but I want to see a text message from you every night, so I will know that you are safe and sound." She wiped the tears down with a sleeve.

"That might be too much, darling, he is an adult and I believe that he knows what is right or wrong. You have raised him really well." Pete's father grabbed his wife's thigh and squeezed it a little.

"I can try to text you every day if you want, but I might forget." Pete pulled himself closer and kissed his mom on the cheek. "Just don't make it hard for me now, I am sad enough to not see you and eat your meals every day."

"Mainly because of the food." His father added and made everyone laugh.

They arrived in front of the building where Pete might and might not spend his first school year.

His stomach started to turn upside down, he was feeling so damn sick. The building was awful.

"It certainly looked better in the photos."

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