Chapter 6 - First school day

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It's Friday and a new chapter is here. 

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own. 


As Arm and Pol promised they picked up Pete the next morning.

They met with Khun in front of the school entrance. He greeted them all with a bright smile but only Pete was greeted with a hug.

Pete was not a touchy person, but he admired Tankhun so he did not mind the hug.

"Won't your boyfriend be jealous?" Arm asked with a shock appearing in his voice.

"No, actually Top likes Pete." Khun smiled and made them almost faint.

"Your Top.. The mighty Top like him?" Pol gestures towards Pete's figure.

Khun shrugged and grabbed Pete's hands and walked almost hand in hand into the school yard. "He wants to see you, so I am taking you to him." Khun said out of blue to Pete and pulled him towards the school field, where Pete could see Top and a lot of other people standing there.

"Honeyyyy.." Khun shouted so loud that it ringed in Pete's ear. "I am bringing Pete to you."

He pushed Pete towards the group of boys, Pete just swiftly ran his eyes all over them and then looked at Top.

"Hi, P' Top, it is nice to see you again. Did something happen?" Pete asked and politely bowed in front of him.

"I heard that you bullied my friend." Top said firmly.

"I am sorry, but I am not really familiar with your friends and of course I am not aware of bullying anyone." Pete said honestly.

"Do you know who that guy is?" Top pushed the guy that Pete met yesterday for the first time and almost broke his arm.

"Oh, him? I do remember meeting him yesterday." Pete admitted and looked at the guy more precisely. "But I do not remember bullying him."

"You almost broke my fucking hand yesterday."

"I told you two times nicely, you still provoke me so what do you expect?"

"I expect respect towards your seniors." Top hummed angrily.

Pete chuckled, it might have sounded a bit arrogant, but then he looked straight into Top's eyes.

"I do respect the person that shows the respect to me. How was I supposed to know who he was? He was inside the room I share with my roommate. I asked him nicely two times to sit on the chair instead of my bed.."

"That is the reason for you to almost break his hand?" The other senior standing behind Vegas hummed.

"No, he is an arrogant idiot, not respecting the word 'please' and of course he is a complete stranger to me, so if he would say 'hey I hope you don't mind me sitting here' I would be completely fine with it." He gave Top this strange look and hoped that his further words won't be his death. "So I do apologize if I caused some misunderstanding, but I will not respect this kind of a person. My respect is not for everyone, especially a person that complains as a kid to his seniors and friends.."

Pete nervously swallowed.

"I am respecting you as my senior, P' but I won't respect a person like him and if you want feel free to beat me, but bear in mind that I will fight back." Pete hummed and looked around only to see this unsure expression on their faces.

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