they are building an army

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Dante: You Have To Leave! I can help your children-

Dracula: For The Last Time Dante, No! we can't panic over little information

Dante: What Else Do We Need To Know?!

Selena came over to her son and daughter

Selena: did I miss anything?

Clawd: nope, Dracula and Dante are still arguing

Clawdeen: who's that?

she pointed a vampire running toward them

Dracula: Father!

he rushed up to him and gave him a hug

Lewis: no hugs right now! son, I got your call and at the castle, there are a bunch of those vampires. I think it's an army

Dante: Now You Believe Me!?

Dracula: I always did Dante! But I Needed More Information!

Lewis: may I interrupt son?

Dracula: yes, go on father

Lewis: like I said, they are all around the castle and are building an army to attack, they may be after Draculaura since she also has the curse. and those things... killed your mother..

Dracula fell down in shock

Dracula: N-NO! mother...

he clenched his fists as tears stinged his eyes, Selena rubbed his back

Lewis: she tried to chase them off, but more came and... ripped her apart, they also got your nephew and a few other kids...

Dracula had to hold back tears, he couldn't cry right now. he wiped a few away and stood back up

Dracula: they are going to pay! and they won't take Draculaura away! not as long as I'm here!

Dante: Are You Crazy!? If We Go Toward Them, They Will Kill Us!

Lewis: Are You Crazy? If We Wait Here, They Will Come And Kill Us!

Dante: Which Is Why We Should Leave!

Lewis: And Go Where!? Nowhere Is Safe!

Dante snarled at him but walked off mumbling to himself. Lewis sighed and turned around then turned into a bat

Lewis: I have to head home now, I have to protect your brother, niece and baby nephew. be safe son

Dracula: I will father

he waved as his father flew away, he then turned to Selena and they both nodded and began to walk away. Selena turned toward her children

Selena: be good pups! Draculaura is in charge, you can play out here, just stay near Draculaura's sight

she then caught up with Dracula and they kept walking. Clawd and Clawdeen began walking inside

Clawdeen: lets play sorry with Drac

Clawd: Yeah!


Clawdeen, Draculaura, Clawd and Skipper were in Draculaura's room and were playing some board games when they heard talking from downstairs

Dracula: father said they are starting to leave, but he doesn't know for sure if they will come here or not

Dante: I apologize for my outburst earlier, but can you assure me and my son's safety?

Dracula: yes, you and your son can stay here for as long as you want

Dante: thank you, hopefully no one else dies

Dracula: I hope so to

Skipper: wouldn't it be great if those vampires got stakes in their heart?

everyone looked at Skipper surprised

Skipper: you heard me!

Draculaura knelt down to his level

Draculaura: Skipper, I understand your upset but you can't wish death on anyone

Clawdeen: actually... that wouldn't be a bad idea

Draculaura: Clawdeen! That Is Not A Good Idea! Selena and Dad Has Got Everything Under Control!

Skipper: yeah right...

Draculaura: can't you show a bit of respect?

Skipper: no

Clawd: listen, we know you don't want anyone else to die Skipper

Skipper: I've seen too much death. everything and everyone dies someday, I just don't want to be next in line...

Clawdeen walked toward the 4 year old and placed a paw on his shoulder

Clawdeen: hey come with me! I think I know something to cheer you up


they were rushing toward Dante who was walking outside

Skipper: Wait For Me I Have Little Legs!

Clawdeen groaned and picked him up and ran to Dante

Dante: hello son, Clawdeen. what do you want?

Clawdeen: I uh, I had an idea

Dante took his son from Clawdeen

Clawdeen: you know the vampires are coming here right?

Dante: yes?

Clawdeen: and have you ever been scared by a werewolf snarl from behind you? you jump pretty far

Dante: and you know how?

Clawdeen: lets say I've been hopping off my bed a lot thanks to Clawd

Dante chuckled

Dante: your a weird pup, your lucky I already know a weird kid, so I'll hear you out

Clawdeen: you will?

Dante: yes, what do I have to lose?

Clawdeen: okay, well what if you snarled behind them, when they were on the edge of a cliff?

Dante thought before ruffling her hair

Dante: you got a dark side, I like it

Clawdeen: I'll give you by the time the sun rises to hear your answer

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