New Room

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Clawdeen was 5 years old now and acted more mature than kids her age. she could say the whole alphabet, she could get dressed (with a little help from Draculaura), she could clean up by herself, brush her hair, wash her face, use the potty. she also had bad eyesight, so for her 5th birthday Draculaura got her a pair of glasses to help her. Draculaura tells her as she gets older she would get more and more responsibilities, like making her bed, putting her dirty clothes in the hamper, and walking outside all by herself. but all that changed one night. Draculaura got her own room for more space. Clawdeen acted like she was happy for her but cried when she got to her room, Draculaura would always be in the same room if she had a nightmare or when it was thundering. Clawdeen loved being a big girl, but didn't want Draculaura to leave her.



Draculaura: I'm 600 now, I don't care for a brat like you

Clawdeen had tears streaming down her face

Clawdeen: This Isn't You! You Love Me!

Draculaura: Not Anymore! I'm Finally Free From You!

Draculaura began walking away with Clawdeen screaming



Clawdeen woke up sweating, tears rolling down her face, she was scared and was more terrified when Draculaura wasn't in there. she quickly got up and ran to Draculaura's room and banged on the door


nothing. Clawdeen slid onto the floor and began sobbing into her hands, when the door immediately opens and Draculaura pulled her into the room 

Draculaura: Clawdeen! What Happened?!

Draculaura pulled the sobbing hybrid into a big hug and rocked her

Draculaura: shh, shh, It's okay, It's all okay

Clawdeen sniffled, feeling tears rolling down her face as she mumbled

Clawdeen: you hate me..

Draculaura: what?

Clawdeen: YOU HATE ME!

Draculaura was shocked

Draculaura: h-how could you ever say that?! of course I don't hate you

Clawdeen: In My Scary Dream, You Said You Never Loved A Brat Like Me!

Clawdeen sobbed into Draculaura's chest, Draculaura couldn't believe what she was hearing, was her moving into a new room, causing Clawdeen all this pain?

Draculaura: little sis, that was just a dream, it wasn't real. I could never hate you, I love you too much. why didn't you tell me you didn't like me moving to a new room, I would have never done it if it bothered you so much.

Clawdeen: I wanted to be brave, like a big girl... like you

Draculaura: aww, Clawdeen. that's sweet of you, but I get scared too

Clawdeen: you do?

Draculaura: yep, but if your never scared, how can you learn to be brave?

Clawdeen: huh, I guess I never thought of it like that. um, sissy?

Draculaura: yes?

Clawdeen: may you... may you please move back?

Draculaura: how about this, It's late so tomorrow I will ask daddy to help me move back, in the meantime, you can stay with me

Clawdeen: really?

Draculaura: of course! honestly I didn't like being in a room without my little sister, it was way too quiet.

Draculaura led Clawdeen toward her bed and the two cuddled up together.

Draculaura: next time, just tell me if something is bothering you. 

she kissed her forehead

Draculaura: I love you little sister

Clawdeen: I love you too big *yawn* sister..

the two snuggled closer and fell asleep

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