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it had been 9 minutes since Dracula went to get some more diapers and milk. and Draculaura already had a hard time taking care of Clawdeen. she was screaming her lungs out and crying, she was in her werewolf form so every time Draculaura tried to hold her, Clawdeen would just scratch her hand. Draculaura smelled something foul, she groaned knowing Clawdeen just filled her diaper but she couldn't change her, first of all, because she was young and also they had no diapers at the mansion right now. the hybrid continued to cry, Draculaura was silently panicking wondering what to do. she then got an idea, she picked Clawdeen up, ignored her scratching her hands, and brought her to the bathroom. she took her diaper off, threw the diaper in the trash, cleaned her bottom and just put her back on the ground so she could crawl around. just then Dracula came through the door and saw a naked baby crawling around

Dracula: What The?!

he quickly picked her up and brought her back in the bathroom and saw Draculaura washing her hands

Dracula: Why Doesn't Clawdeen Have A Diaper On?

Draculaura: she filled her diaper and we didn't have any

Dracula: honey, you can't do that, what if she had a accident?

Draculaura looked down in shame

Draculaura: sorry daddy...

Dracula placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder

Dracula: I'm sorry for losing my temper, you just need to be caredul with Clawdeen, she's only 18 months old

Draculaura just nodded as Dracula put a fresh diaper on Clawdeen then put her new purple onesie on. he then sat on the couch and gave Clawdeen her bottle. Draculaura sat next to them

Dracula: would you like to feed her honey?

Draculaura: no thanks.. she doesn't like me

Dracula: What? Clawdeen Loves You, She smiles Just Seeing You!

Draculaura: she scratched me! she cried when you left! she stopped when you came back!

Dracula: she's just a baby, she doesn't have that much control of her body and she was just moving around and she was upset, I'm sure she didn't mean it

Draculaura: Yes She Did!

Draculaura got up from the couch and ran to her room and jumped on her bed and began crying. Dracula sighed as he looked at Clawdeen sleeping. he got an idea, then got up and walked toward Draculaura's door and knocked

Draculaura: come in...

he opened the door and walked in and sat on her bed

Draculaura: I'm sorry for yelling daddy..

Dracula: It's fine my Putrid Princess. but I need some help

Draculaura: sure

Dracula: I need to do some work, can you watch your sister for me?

Draculaura looked scared, but said

Draculaura: yeah, I guess...

Dracula: don't worry honey, she's sleeping

Draculaura took Clawdeen from her father's hands and held her. as soon as her father left the room, Clawdeen began whimpering, Draculaura just held her tighter, praying she wouldn't start crying again, but then felt Clawdeen snuggling into her chest and cooing. she looked at Draculaura with a smile and hugged her. Draculaura felt tears rolling down her face, but they were tears of joy.

Draculaura: you do love me..

what she didn't know was that Dracula was waiting outside of the door and listened, he smiled knowing his plan worked

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